Title: From grape by-products to enriched yogurt containing pomace extract loaded in nanotechnological nutriosomes tailored for promoting the gastro-intestinal wellness

Authors: Castangia, I.; Fulgheri, F.; Leyva-Jimenez, F.J.; Alañón, M.E.; Cádiz-Gurrea, M.L.; Marongiu, F.; Meloni, M.C.; Aroffu, M.; Perra, M.; Allaw, M.; Rached, R.A.; Oliver-Simancas, R.; Escribano-Ferrer, E.; Asunis, F.; Manca, M.L.; Manconi, M.L.
Journal: Antioxidants
Vol: 12
Number: 1285
Start page: 1
Last page: 16
DOI: doi
Institutional repositories:
Year: 2023
Key: Article
