Predoctoral position at Printed OptoElectronics Group

Categories: Ofertes

Group Printed OptoElectronics, Department of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering, Universitat de Barcelona offers a Predoctoral contract for PhD Thesis Contact.

Topic of thesis: Disruptive technologies for optoelectronic devices and neuromorphiccomputation.

Keyword: inkjet printing, LEDs, ReRAM, memristors, neuromorphic computation, unclonable physical functions, encryption.

We search: Degree in Physics/Electronic Engineering/others engineering + master sc/tech. Self-criticism, analytic and disruptive thinking, motivation for oriented research.

We offer: Integration in wide and reputed group, work in team with high level experimental equipment, continuous and multidisciplinary learning, attendance to national and international congresses, international research stages.

Contact to Prof. Dr. Albert Cirera send CV and motivation letter

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