Title: The defects behind fast ionic transport pathways in thin layers: An atomic exploration of (LaSr)MO3
Speakers: Yedra, L.; Nandi, P.; Blanco-Portals, J.; López-Conesa, L.; Martín, G.; Ruiz-Caridad, A.; Baiutti, F.; Chiabrera, F.; Diercks, D.; Cavallaro, A.; Garbayo, I.; Walls, M.; Lippert, T.; Pergolesi, D.; Niania, M.; Ruiz-González, L.; Kordatos, A.; Núñez, M.; Morata, A.; Chroneos, A.; Aguadero, A.; Kilner, J.; Tarancón, A.; Estradé, S.; Peiró, F.
Congress: 20th International Microscopy Congress – IMC20, International Federation of Societies for Microscopy and Korean Society of Microscopy, Busan, Korea, 10-15 Sept 2023) (Poster)
Country: KOR
City: Busan
Organizing institutions:
Year: 2023
