Electrochemical characterization of nanoporous SnO2 formed by anodization on cold spray tin coating for supercapacitor application. Zarei M.; Nourouzi S.; Jamaati R.; Esmaeili-Faraj S.H.; Cano I.G.; Dosta S.; Sarret M. 2023, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 931, 117201. Doi: 10.1016/j.jelechem.2023.117201
Bimetallic cobalt catalysts promoted by La2O3 for the production of high-calorie synthetic gas. Alarcón A.; Palma O.; Martín Morales E.; Biset-Peiró M.; Andreu T.; Guilera J. 2023, Fuel, 341, 127726. Doi: 10.1016/j.fuel.2023.127726
A Long Cycle Life Zinc-Iodide Flow Battery Enabled by a Multifunctional Low Cost Supporting Electrolyte. Chakraborty M.; Andreu T.; Guc M.; Amazian M.; Murcia-López S. 2023, Batteries and Supercaps, 6, 6, e202300149. Doi: 10.1002/batt.202300149
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: Towards a highly-selective catalyst by lanthanide promotion under relevant CO2 syngas mixtures. Guilera J., Díaz-López J.A., Berenguer A., Biset-Peiró M., Andreu T. Applied Catalysis A: General, 629, 118423, 2022
Effect of Thermal Treatment on Nickel-Cobalt Electrocatalysts for Glycerol Oxidation. Andreu T., Mallafré M., Molera M., Sarret M., Oriol R., Sirés I. ChemElectroChem, 9, 9, 2022
Ignition of CO2 methanation using DBD-plasma catalysis in an adiabatic reactor. Biset-Peiró M., Guilera J., Andreu T. Chemical Engineering Journal, 433, 133638, 2022
Design of a Multi-Tubular Catalytic Reactor Assisted by CFD Based on Free-Convection Heat-Management for Decentralised Synthetic Methane Production. Alarcón A., Busqué R., Andreu T., Guilera J. Catalysts, 12, 9, 1053, 2022
Design of a Multi-Tubular Catalytic Reactor Assisted by CFD Based on Free-Convection Heat-Management for Decentralised Synthetic Methane Production. Alarcón A., Busqué R., Andreu T., Guilera J. Catalysts, 12, 9, 1053, 2022
Effect of Thermal Treatment on Nickel-Cobalt Electrocatalysts for Glycerol Oxidation. Andreu T., Mallafré M., Molera M., Sarret M., Oriol R., Sirés I. ChemElectroChem, 9, 9, e202200100, 2022
Ignition of CO2 methanation using DBD-plasma catalysis in an adiabatic reactor. Biset-Peiró M., Guilera J., Andreu T. Chemical Engineering Journal, 433, 133638, 2022
Fischer-Tropsch synthesis: Towards a highly-selective catalyst by lanthanide promotion under relevant CO2 syngas mixtures. Guilera J., Díaz-López J.A., Berenguer A., Biset-Peiró M., Andreu T. Applied Catalysis A: General, 629, 118423, 2022
Zarei, M., Nourouzi, S., Jamaati, R., Cano, I.G., Dosta, S., Sarret, M. Water-assisted crystallization of nanoporous tin oxide formed by anodic oxidation on cold sprayed tin coating. (2021) Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 876, art. no. 160207. DOI: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2021.160207
Zarei, M., Nourouzi, S., Jamaati, R., Cano, I.G., Dosta, S., Sarret, M. Formation of highly uniform tin oxide nanochannels by electrochemical anodization on cold sprayed tin Coatings. (2021) Surface and Coatings Technology, 410, art. no. 126978, . DOI: 10.1016/j.surfcoat.2021.126978
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Biset-Peiró, M., Mey, R., Guilera, J., Andreu, T. Adiabatic plasma-catalytic reactor configuration: Energy efficiency enhancement by plasma and thermal synergies on CO2 methanation. (2020) Chemical Engineering Journal, 393, art. no. 124786, DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020.124786
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