Back-compatible Color QR Codes for colorimetric applications. Benito-Altamirano I.; Martínez-Carpena D.; Casals O.; Fábrega C.; Waag A.; Prades J.D. 2023, Pattern Recognition, 133, 108981. Doi: 10.1016/j.patcog.2022.108981
Highly sensitive SnO2 nanowire network gas sensors. Domènech-Gil G.; Samà J.; Fàbrega C.; Gràcia I.; Cané C.; Barth S.; Romano-Rodríguez A. 2023, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 383. Doi: 133545 10.1016/j.snb.2023.133545
Contactless characterization of the elastic properties of glass microspheres. Maire J.; Necio T.; Chávez-Ángel E.; Colombano M.F.; Jaramillo-Fernández J.; Sotomayor-Torres C.M.; Capuj N.E.; Navarro-Urrios D. 2023, APL Materials, 11, 4, 041128. Doi: 10.1063/5.0146969
Unidirectional Synchronization of Silicon Optomechanical Nanobeam Oscillators by External Feedback. Alonso-Tomás D.; Capuj N.E.; Mercadé L.; Griol A.; Martínez A.; Navarro-Urrios D. 2023, ACS Photonics. Doi: 10.1021/acsphotonics.3c01397
Fully Inkjet-Printed Green-Emitting PEDOT:PSS/NiO/Colloidal CsPbBr3/SnO2 Perovskite Light-Emitting Diode on Rigid and Flexible Substrates. Vescio G.; Mathiazhagan G.; González-Torres S.; Sanchez-Diaz J.; Villaueva-Antolí A.; Sánchez R.S.; Gualdrón–Reyes A.F.; Oszajca M.; Linardi F.; Hauser A.; Vinocour-Pacheco F.A.; Żuraw W.; Öz S.; Hernández S.; Mora-Seró I.; Cirera A.; Garrido B. 2023, Advanced Engineering Materials, 25, 21, 2300927. Doi: 10.1002/adem.202300927
Automatic electrocardiogram detection and classification using bidirectional long short-term memory network improved by Bayesian optimization. Li H., Lin Z., An Z., Zuo S., Zhu W., Zhang Z., Mu Y., Cao L., Prades García J.D. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 73, 103424, 2022
2D PEA2SnI4Inkjet-Printed Halide Perovskite LEDs on Rigid and Flexible Substrates. Vescio G., Sanchez-Diaz J., Frieiro J.L., Sánchez R.S., Hernández S., Cirera A., Mora-Seró I., Garrido B. ACS Energy Letters, 7, 10, 3653, 2022
High Quality Inkjet Printed-Emissive Nanocrystalline Perovskite CsPbBr3 Layers for Color Conversion Layer and LEDs Applications. Vescio G., Frieiro J.L., Gualdrón-Reyes A.F., Hernández S., Mora-Seró I., Garrido B., Cirera A. Advanced Materials Technologies, 7, 7, 2101525, 2022
Visible-Light-Driven Room Temperature NO2 Gas Sensor Based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance: The Case of Gold Nanoparticle Decorated Zinc Oxide Nanorods (ZnO NRs). Qomaruddin, Casals O., Wasisto H.S., Waag A., Prades J.D., Fàbrega C. Chemosensors, 10, 1, 28, 2022.
Fabrication, characterization and performance of low power gas sensors based on (Gax in1‐x )2 o3 nanowires. López‐Aymerich E., Domènech‐gil G., Moreno M., Pellegrino P., Romano‐rodriguez A. Sensors. 2021, 21, 10, 3342
Printed sensor labels for colorimetric detection of ammonia, formaldehyde and hydrogen sulfide from the ambient air. Engel L., Benito-Altamirano I., Tarantik K.R., Pannek C., Dold M., Prades J.D., Wöllenstein J. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. 2021, 330, 129281
Plasmon expedited response time and enhanced response in gold nanoparticles-decorated zinc oxide nanowire-based nitrogen dioxide gas sensor at room temperature. Kim D.W., Park K.H., Lee S.-H., Fàbrega C., Prades J.D., Jang J.-W. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2021. 582
Hybrid liquid crystalline zinc phthalocyanine@Cu2O nanowires for NO2 sensor application. Sisman O., Kilinc N., Akkus U.O., Sama J., Romano-Rodriguez A., Atilla D., Gürek A.G., Ahsen V., Berber S., Ozturk Z.Z. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. 2021, 345, 130431
Dielectric function of vanadium oxide thin films by thermal annealing. Canillas A., Guell F., Arteaga O., Martinez-Alanis P.R., Vergnat M., Rinnert H., Garrido B. Applied Optics. 2021, 60, 15
The structural, electronic, and optical properties of GE/SI quantum wells: Lasing at a wavelength of 1550 NM. Li H., Wang J., Bai J., Zhang S., Zhang S., Sun Y., Dou Q., Ding M., Wang Y., Qu D., Du J., Tang C., Li E., Prades J.D. Nanomaterials. 2020, 10(5)
Toward RGB LEDs based on rare earth-doped ZnO. Frieiro J.L., Guillaume C., López-Vidrier J., Blázquez O., González-Torres S., Labbé C., Hernández S., Portier X., Garrido B. Nanotechnology. 2020, 31(46).
Electron beam lithography for contacting single nanowires on non-flat suspended substrates. Samà J., Domènech-Gil G., Gràcia I., Borrisé X., Cané C., Barth S., Steib F., Waag A., Prades J.D., Romano-Rodríguez A. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. 2019, 286.
How to implement a selective colorimetric gas sensor with off the shelf components?. Driau C., Fàbrega C., Benito-Altamirano I., Pfeiffer P., Casals O., Li H., Prades J.D. Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. 2019, 293.