Title: Role of rare earth sites and vacancies in the anomalous compression of modulated scheelite tungstates RE2(WO4)3

Authors: Sabalisck, N.P.; Gil-de-Cos, G.; González-Silgo, C.; Guzmán-Afonso, C.; Lavín, V.; López-Solano, J.; Martín-Mateos, I.T.; Mestres, L.; Mujica, A.; Santamaría-Pérez, D.; Torres, M.E.; and Vendrell, X.
Journal: Physical Review Materials
Vol: 5
Number: 12
Start page: 1
Last page: 15
DOI: doi
Institutional repositories: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/208265|http://hdl.handle.net/2445/208265
Year: 2021
Key: Article
