IMCITIZEN fosters children's democratic citizenship identity as active and engaged members of their municipalities. It also identifies strategies to favour increased rates of citizenship initiation, decision-making and engagement in child participation mechanisms.

IMCITIZEN seeks systemic changes so that child participation mechanisms significantly impact public policies and the education of children's civic and democratic identity. 

It is committed to inclusive, meaningful, authentic, sustainable, binding, transformative, safe and creative democratic citizen participation for girls and boys.


IMCITIZEN aims to raise awareness and create knowledge about children's rights. Child participation will bring children closer to local, regional, national and European decision-making processes.

How do we implement it?

Work Process


The University of Barcelona team comprises individuals from the Research Group on Moral Education (GREM), the Research Group on Intercultural Education (GREDI), and the Social Pedagogy for Inclusion and Social Cohesion Group (GPS). Distinguished by their dedication to knowledge dissemination, societal enhancement, and transformation, these three research groups collaboratively employ their distinct approaches and perspectives. They share a collective interest and concern for education, participation, inclusive involvement of all socio-educational stakeholders, and the development of an inclusive citizenship, especially that of children and built together with them.  

Members of the three groups have extensive experience collaborating in research-action projects focused on the participation of children from a participatory approach, among which stand out: 

They have also led to publications of interest and impact on the subject, such as: