Area of Els Porxos Primary School Child Participation Platform, in Barcelona

On this site we share our actions, progress, proposals... everything we are doing in our Participation Platform for our school and community!

Com ens podeu fer arribar les vostres propostes?

Podeu o bé enviar-les a l’adreça electrònica pr.imcitizen@ub.edu o bé a la nostra bústia de propostes.


Click on the image to see the document

PASAMOS A LA ACCIÓN es el podcast en el que las niñas y los niños de las Plataformas IMCITIZEN de las escuelas Els Porxos y La Pau dicen todo lo que quieren decir para tener un papel más relevante en su barrio y la ciudad de Barcelona. Ràdio Maconda, la radio de las bibliotecas de Barcelona, les abre los micros para escuchar sus voces. 

This first podcast brings together around 30 children. They explain what the IMICITIZEN Platforms are and the work they have done. They also talk about the issues that concern them in their neighbourhood and make suggestions on how to improve children's participation in the city. You can listen to them here: PODCAST
They also make a call to all children in Barcelona, which you can listen to here: CALL
And they pass on a key question to children who want to make proposals to improve children's participation: KEY QUESTION
Click on the image to see the Children's Civic Participation Plan