
Exhibition curated by Dra. Laura Baigorri, from September 25 to October 4, 2015, Manuel Felguérez / Cenart Gallery, Mexico City.

Organization: Transitio_MX 06, Shared Changes. National Center of the Arts, National Council for the Culture and the Arts of Mexico City.
Artists: / fur / - Volker Morawe & Tilman, Yoshua Okón, Colleo - Matteo Bittanti & Collen Flaherty, Beate Geissler & Oliver Sann, Franco & Eva Mattes and Gordan Savičić.

It is not only madness but also helplessness that best identify blind angles of reason. The inability to act in any way other than what has been programmed in our genetic code, in our reflex conditioning, or in our previous learning. These uncontrolled and irrational blind spots are represented in the following works through two decisive questions regarding behavior and identity. One is focused on questioning the notion of masculinity: is there a soldier in me? - and the other, in the rage and irrationality of instincts and impulses - through the recurring but definitive, what can a body do? -. Nothing is banal or complacent in these games. Artists who break the rules demonstrate their unconsciousness and discrepancy by posing paradoxes and challenges, skirting the trenches of moral tolerance, proposing challenges. Challenging artists no longer seek to re-establish or reinvent social bonds, they do not seek consensus; they merely exhibit a keen desire to prove controversy by settling in disagreement.

Curatorial text: https://www.academia.edu/29194941/Romper_las_reglas_juego_y_desafío ético_en_el_arte