La Raposa del Poble Sec, 18h - 20h

The workshop tries to emphasize our corporal conscience, at the individual and collective level from a feminist perspective, treating the care towards a * same * and towards the others from our bodies. We will work through mindfulness exercises in breathing, movement, voice and sound, to sharpen our co-implicated sensory awareness and thus expand our perception and sensitivity towards our own corporality always in becoming with the group experience. These workshops are born of the political need to create spaces that do not go through the heteropatriarchal rationality denying our bodies, silencing the revolutionary potential that implies acting from the pleasure and awareness of the present. The sessions are based on the combination of meditative, corporal, deep listening and conscious movement techniques from a curious, playful and spontaneous attitude.

By: María González (psicóloga en Maram) Beatriz Regueira Pons (investigadora artística) Daphne Xanthopoulou (musicoterapeuta) Sensoramics