Definition of the Research Project: IN>TRA2. Reading as an artistic practice: new models of creative decoding. 2019-2021
The artistic research, understood from within the practice, has led us to establish certain questions to which we would to give some response: ¿What are the parallels between reading and artistic practice? ¿What is the role of reading in artistic research and what kind of voices it activates? ¿What is the role of memory in the act of reading? ¿Does the lecture that we do of reality is simultaneous to the act of codifying it? ¿How could we explore the creative dimension of the decodification act? ¿Can we generate new decodification models from the artistic practice?
Our baseline scenario is that reading implies a creative process, which does not only involves a passive and rational process of knowledge decodification, but also a proactive and creative dimension related to the different forms of perception and sensible apprehension of the world.
The relation between the artistic practice and reading processes within a research context is a challenge that, in our opinion, deserves special attention. Reading is not just an interpretative act from the outside to the inside; it is also a dynamic from the inside to the outside, in which the reader produces a singular contribution that enriches and transforms knowledge.
Reading as an artistic practice is a constructive process that allows the emergence of what is new and unexpected. Within the dynamics of coding all language is pre-established according to conventions, and it is in its decoding where a space of freedom is opened to explore the generation of new languages. Therefore, the proposal of IN>TRA II is to explore decodifcation processes in order to generate semiotic-material openness within the entanglement of art, science, technology and society.
Coordinator project: Meta-reading from the artistic practice. Dimensions of creative decoding
We propose to explore reading from the perspective of three different areas of artistic practice that are intra-related:
1. Epistemology of reading (ER). In this section we will explore the active dimension of knowledge that reading implies as an act of decoding and recoding at the same time. To what extent does reading generate both a conceptual and a somatic transformation? Text reading as a human act. Separations and drifts implied by the written-spoken word in human and non-human relationships.
2. Reading, voice and frequencies (RVF). Experimentation of reading as an artistic and performative practice. This section connects with the material part of the word, with sound, which activates both emotion (in common with other animal species) and vibration (perceptible by plants and other materials). This section is proposed not as an instrument of human, futuristic and hierarchical accelerationism, but as a common intra-corporeal resonant material, that affects all forms of life and technology.
3. Techno-readings (TR). In this section we aim to examine the ways of reading by human and non-human agents (artificial intelligence, word processors, vocoders, etc.) to generate areas of experimentation between the two of them and identify changes in the reading and editing modalities (singular publications, micro-publishing or other editorial devices) that emerge from new technologies.
Subproject: Printed Matter/Net Laboratory
This project is based on two aspects that give continuity to the research developed in the Materia Impresa II project. First, to consolidate the online platform we have developed in the previous project, which we will present this year. Second, to turn it into a space of production and reflection, emphasizing on the new possibilities that open up from the digital environment, and specifically in what refers to the terrain of the sculptural. In this sense, our network laboratory wants to become a collaborative space, where prototypes are not just devised, elaborated and studied, but also where shared creation processes are enhanced. Likewise, the means of production will be analyzed – whether in its virtual or material form – from its conception to its reading, its reception and finally its impact on people.