The goal of the call is to support the activity of research groups that reinforce the scientific, economical an social impact of research, as well as promoting their international projection.

Connected Bodies 2

Research project: CONNECTED BODIES 2. New processes of creation and diffusion of identity artistic practices in non-attendance. (PID2020-116999RB-I00) +

Musae 2022-2025

Research project: MUSAE Human-Centred Factory for a future Technological sustainable Development driven by Arts. CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-21 +

In>tra2 2019-2021

Research project: IN>TRA2. Reading as an artistic practice: new models of creative decoding +

Imarte 2022-2025

Consolidated Research Group: IMARTE. Research on Artistic Processes and New Technologies. (2017-2019 SGR 1182) +

Que res es llenci ni es perdi per inútil. A rereading of the collector’s cabinet. Exhibition at the Frederic Marès Museum.

12/22. Exhibition proposal for the R+D+i research project PRINTED MATTER. Network laboratory. The participating artists establish a dialogue with certain objects from the collector’s cabinet with great diversity of poetics and from the exploration of 3D printing technologies. Inauguration and presentation on December 14, at 7:30 p.m. Exhibition: from December 14, 2022 to April 2, … Continued


Book Art and Social space in Controlled, Uncontrolled and Isolated Times

11/22 The book Art and Social space in Controlled, Uncontrolled and Isolated Times is published, which collects different artistic experiences and reflections presented at ADDART 21. Editors: Ramon Parramon, Eugènia Agustí, Eloi Puig. Coordination: Irati Irulegi, Laia Moretó, Mercedes Pimiento. Published by: Idensitat. Translation: Anna Recasens. Correction: Francisco Rodríguez Criado. Collaborating: Euroregió, La Escocesa, Casa … Continued


ETC. Bordered Up Spaces

10/22. ETC Espacios Temporalmente Clausurados is the result of a collaboration between IDENSITAT and the IMARTE Art Science Technology research group (Universitat de Barcelona) jointly with the Public Arts Garage project (promoted by Bauhaus-University Weimar, in collaboration with other universities)[1]. ETC promotes analysis and creative intervention within spaces in the process of transformation.


IN>TRA Artistic practice as a model of experience

04/22 The exhibition “IN>TRA Artistic practice as a model of experience” is about the symbolic idea of a prototype, understood as an expanded model or preliminary and always provisional model of a later active production. The artworks can be viewed in Fundació Suñol (Mejía Lequerica 14, Barcelona) from 04/22/2022 until 05/07/2022. The collaboration with the … Continued


35 Sentències. Col·lectiu Declamatori. Tecla sala. 7 d’abril

04/22 “35 Sentències” és la lectura col·lectiva de les Sentències sobre art conceptual de Sol Lewitt, seguint unes pautes numèriques que relacionen el text i l’ordre en el qual es troben les lletres en l’alfabet. Una proposta del col·lectiu Declamatori, format per professors i investigadors de la Facultat de Belles Arts de la Universitat de … Continued



03/22 SOLIDS(ON)CLOUD pretende generar un espacio de debate donde investigadores de diferentes países reflexionarán sobre la actualidad de las tecnologías 3D. Unas tecnologías que nos permiten convertir la materialización de una obra en una nueva forma de expansión del Arte, que a su vez condiciona y determina los procesos de creación y producción. La edición … Continued


New publication in the journal Artnodes

02/22_Ramon Parramon Arimany, Eugènia Agustí, Jo Milne and Eloi Puig publish the article «Artistic production based on processes that coexist within temporary contexts”. Artnodes, [online], 2022, Num. 29, pp. 1-11, [View: 24-02-2022


Riso Workshop

On November 17 and 18, 2022, a RISO workshop was held in the main classroom of IMARTE, at the Faculty of Fine Arts of Barcelona with the support of the Department of Visual Arts and Design of the University of Barcelona. Patricia Martín and Edgar Prieto, from Do the Print, taught content of this type … Continued


IN_CERT. Art, ciència i pensament des de la pandèmia

11/21 Nora Ancarola and Jo Milne inaugurate IN_CERT. Art, science, and thought since the pandemic a project in which the dialogue between scientists and artists has reflected on the effects of Covid-19, to articulate new narratives for viral scenarios.  The project has been promoted by the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital (Can Ruti) in Badalona and the … Continued


Internacional Seminar Art of Visionary Women

11/21. Pilar Bonet, present the firts el primer “International Seminar Art of Visionary Women“ dedicated to the study of the graphic creativity -drawing- of visionary women connected to new forms of spirituality, secular and feminist, which spread in Europe in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.  
