Period active: 2017 – Now

Artist, researcher and cultural promoter. Associate Lecturer at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Universitat de Barcelona (2018-). Phd in Fine Arts (University of Vigo), Master Degree in Design and Communication (UPF). Director and founder of Idensitat (1999-), a collective project where he is making his research practice as artist and cultural promoter. Deputy Director of EINA Center for Design and Art attached to the UAB (2019-). He has been director of ACVIC, Center for Contemporary Arts (2010-2018), and Head of Master’s and Postgraduate Degrees at Elisava (UPF) (2000-2010).
His research work is defined by the intersection of artistic practices, social space, and the complexity of collective processes. In this field of research he has curated several exhibitions, participated as lecturer and coordinator in a few seminars, workshops and debate forums about art and social space, as well as he has published several articles and coordinated some publications. He has participated as coordinator and researcher in European projects (Creative Europe). Occasionally he teaches in different masters and postgraduate courses.