05/16 Curated by Laura BaigorriOrganization: BBVA Foundation, Paseo de Recoletos, 10, Madrid.Artists: Andrés Senra, Sally Gutiérrez, Natalia Marín, Juan del Junco, Lois Patiño, Marla Jacarilla, Regina de Miguel, Juan Carlos Bracho, David Ferrando Girault and Daniel Silvo. Multiverso is an exhibition that gathered, at the Madrid headquarters of the BBVA Foundation, the works carried out … Continued



05/16 Sandra Kruisbrink, Roser Sales Noguera, Rosa Tarruella, Antònia Vilà. 08-04 / 05-05-2016 The Artists Without Borders / Paper No Limit project aims to present works by artists from all over the world, regardless of their origin, address, political or religious beliefs. The only criterion is the artistic value of his works, as well as … Continued


ROSE QUARTZ Artist Books. PANTONE 13L-1520

06/16 Exhibition at the Monjo Museum in Vilassar This is a sample of the group 13L, formed by 13 artists (Eugènia Agustí, Pepa Busqué, Montse Carreño, Mercè Casanovas, David Curto, Enric Mas, Jessie Morin, Cristina Pastó, Eloi Puig, Rosa Tarruella, Alicia Vela, Eva Vila Pou and Antònia Vilà), linked together by research and teaching … Continued


MetaMètode. Dialogues between art and science

3/16 Exhibition of all the works of the Imarte research team at the Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia located in Terrassa. The exhibition presents the results of meetings between artists and scientists promoted by the research project “MetaMètode: Shared methodologies and artistic processes in the knowledge society”, UB. The exhibition will be on … Continued


Glitch Invited lecture. Eloi Puig at the EADT

01/16  NOISE-NEGATION-ERROR-COMPLEXITY. Invited lecture at the Escola d’Art i Disseny de Tarragona within the Interference Conference. An approach to some artistic practices that have addressed, from a perspective of questioning the status quo of the system, the multifaceted nature of what we have often called error.


Breaking the rules: game and ethical challenge in art

09/15 Exhibition curated by Dra. Laura Baigorri, from September 25 to October 4, 2015, Manuel Felguérez / Cenart Gallery, Mexico City. Organization: Transitio_MX 06, Shared Changes. National Center of the Arts, National Council for the Culture and the Arts of Mexico City.Artists: / fur / – Volker Morawe & Tilman, Yoshua Okón, Colleo – Matteo … Continued



03/12 Researchers Alicia Vela and Raja Salehi participate in an exhibition curated by Victoria Vesna at the Center Of Contemporary Art Znaki Czasu in Torun (CoArt), Poland. From 02/03/2012 to 04/29/2012  
