06/24. Presentation of the acts related to “NON/PRESENCE, DESUBLIMATION OF ART” An international scientific and artistic event consisting of two complementary exhibitions: Evidence of PRESENCE at the Struga Palace in Struga and Evidence of ABSENCE at the Geppart Gallery ASP Wroclaw of the Academy of Art and Design in Wroclaw, Poland. with the honorary sponsorship … Continued


“Future Foodscapes” exhibition in the lobby of the UB Historic Building

04/24 The presentation event will feature the intervention of the vice-rector for research, Jordi Garcia, and the coordinator of the MUSAE project, Marita Canina. In addition, the twelve artists will present their projects and a debate will take place about their creative processes. To attend, you must register in advance at this link. The exhibition … Continued


Murs Écrans Exhibition

01/23 Murs Écrans Exhibition Authorship: Laia Moreto, Andrés Barrette, Andrés Galeano, Eva Quintas & Carol-Ann Belzil-Normand. The project was supported by the Québec Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie, the Ministère de la Culture, and the Ramon Llull Foundation. VU PHOTO (Quebec). Espace américain. 13 de gener de 2023-19 de febrer de 2023


Que res es llenci ni es perdi per inútil. A rereading of the collector’s cabinet. Exhibition at the Frederic Marès Museum.

12/22. Exhibition proposal for the R+D+i research project PRINTED MATTER. Network laboratory. The participating artists establish a dialogue with certain objects from the collector’s cabinet with great diversity of poetics and from the exploration of 3D printing technologies. Inauguration and presentation on December 14, at 7:30 p.m. Exhibition: from December 14, 2022 to April 2, … Continued


ETC. Bordered Up Spaces

10/22. ETC Espacios Temporalmente Clausurados is the result of a collaboration between IDENSITAT and the IMARTE Art Science Technology research group (Universitat de Barcelona) jointly with the Public Arts Garage project (promoted by Bauhaus-University Weimar, in collaboration with other universities)[1]. ETC promotes analysis and creative intervention within spaces in the process of transformation.


IN>TRA Artistic practice as a model of experience

04/22 The exhibition “IN>TRA Artistic practice as a model of experience” is about the symbolic idea of a prototype, understood as an expanded model or preliminary and always provisional model of a later active production. The artworks can be viewed in Fundació Suñol (Mejía Lequerica 14, Barcelona) from 04/22/2022 until 05/07/2022. The collaboration with the … Continued


IN_CERT. Art, ciència i pensament des de la pandèmia

11/21 Nora Ancarola and Jo Milne inaugurate IN_CERT. Art, science, and thought since the pandemic a project in which the dialogue between scientists and artists has reflected on the effects of Covid-19, to articulate new narratives for viral scenarios.  The project has been promoted by the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital (Can Ruti) in Badalona and the … Continued


“Processi 148”. Royal Academy of Spain in Rome

11/21. “Processi 148”. The researcher Dra. Àngels Viladomiu exhibits his work during his residency at the Royal Academy of Spain in Rome. Opening on October 7, 2021. The other artists are: Irene de Andrés, Toni Amengual, Natividad Bermejo, Gadea Burgaz, Alán Carrasco, Sara García, Cristina Morales, Maral Kekejian, Yeyei Gómez, Virginia Morant, Carlos Pardo, Txuspo … Continued


Exhibition: Genealogies. Correspondences

03/21 Laia Moreto and Eva Quintas participate in the exhibition Genealogies. Correspondence at the Enric Monjo Museum, with a photographic conversation, the result of a scholarship awarded by Roca Umbert Arts Factory and the Vu Photo Center (Québec). Correspondence between the two co-creators dialogues on the time frame of the pandemic from distant geographies letting … Continued



03/21 Antònia Vilà curated The book as a continuous present at the Tecla Sala Art Center, an exhibition of artist’s books that also includes plates, sheets, boxes of sheets or portfolios, among other printed materials. Although the book is the main device, its authors, mostly international, are pioneering artists from the sixties until now who … Continued


NEW (EGO) Connected Bodies Exhibition

03/21 The exhibition NEW (EGO) Connected Bodies to Etopia, Center of Art and Technology of Zaragoza opens where, among others, the professors, researchers and artists of the University of Barcelona participate: Laura Baigorri, Joana Burd, Quim Catalozella, Ricardo Iglesias, Diego Marchante, Montse Morcate, Marta Negre and Pilar Rosado. The exhibition is the result of a … Continued

Activitat oberta al públic. Activitat formativa per als doctorands del programa EAPA (Estudis Avançats en Produccions Artístiques) i per als alumnes del Màster PRODART (Producció i Recerca Artística). Organitza: Grup de Recerca IMARTE.  Direcció: Eugènia Agustí i Eloi Puig.

Lovelace: workshop by Laura Llaneli

12/20 Activity open to the audience. Training activity for phd students of the EAPA program (Advanced Studies in Artistic Productions) and for students of the PRODART Master (Artistic Production and Research).  Date: December 15, from 4 pm until 7 pm Organized by: IMARTE Research Group.  Direction: Eugènia Agustí and Eloi Puig.  
