This section shows a relation of the PhD courses from the biennium 1999-2001 to the biennium 2005-2007 realised within the Department of Painting of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona. As a research group we have participated actively in promoting a line of investigation that approaches the knowledge of digital technologies as creative means and methodologies for the art projects. BINARY PROSPECTIONS has been an important achievement inside of these doctorates for the formation of investigators and on the promotion of the interdisciplinary art. The students and researches coming from these Ph. D. courses have benefit from it by producing art projects of excellence, materialised on each of the awards of the Diploma of Advanced Studies (DEA).
We will continue to report on the new PhD Programs, which will be linked, from now on, to the M.A. Program: ARTISTIC PRODUCTIONS AND RESEARCH
Presentem en aquest apartat tots els continguts dels postgraus generats des del nostre equip d’investigació, que van significar un gran avanç en el coneixement sobre el que seria posteriormnt una de les línies d’investigació dels nostres projectes I+D (Ministeri) i SGR (Generalitat de Catalunya).