
- MUSAE is a new human-centered factory model for a strategic approach to exponential technologies based on art-driven future design (DFA) integrated into the competence centers of the EC Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) network.

- The MUSAE project intervenes in this context by developing a structured DFA model that systematizes the interaction between artists, designers and technology providers, engineering supporting SMEs and organizations in the generation of innovative future scenarios of technological application for sustainable innovation and new digital products and services.

- Artists have a strong creative capacity to imagine future needs and scenarios, to create narratives around them and to compose proposals to meet the imagined needs of the future. Therefore, the MUSAE concept is based on the interpenetration of Future Thinking and Design Thinking approaches to adapt the ongoing digital and green transformation to serve a sustainable society. In fact, the DFA is based on the Design Thinking method enhanced by Future Thinking enhanced by art. Future thinking and technological foresight require the intersection of knowledge, skills of all the actors involved. MUSAE, wants to become a reference for companies and artists, a beacon of innovation closely linked to the territory and its resources. MUSAE always places the human being at the center of the research and the project, considering the social aspects of technological developments such as artificial intelligence, robotics, interactive technologies, new forms of aesthetic expression and their effects on the future of society.

- The MUSAE project will be developed through selected use cases, which will contribute to structuring, validating and refining the Factory model throughout the duration of EU funding. The pilots will shape the guidelines and tools to implement the Factory within a DIH network.

- An open workshop will be held at the partners' facilities to develop suitable topics for the two open calls of MUSAE. The first open call, aimed at artists, is expected to humanize the selected key technologies, to raise awareness of their potential and usefulness among end users.

- Once an appropriate communication channel and a shared knowledge base have been generated, the second call will aim to launch the selected technologies by addressing end users, proposing specific real-life scenarios. - The entire project will serve as a demonstrator of the MUSAE concept and model to promote its application at different levels. In fact, the final objective of the MUSAE project is the design and configuration of a pioneering design process to stimulate and facilitate the acceptance of the technology by end users.