
Taking into account that research can be carried out both between different artistic practices and between different disciplines, other related and complementary concepts are introduced such as: transdisciplinarity, multidisciplinary or extradisciplinarity. All these concepts are present in different spaces of discussion and action that are located outside the disciplinary limits of the discipline itself, as well as in the articulation of new modes of content creation that seek a more significant social impact. Concepts that are present in the conferences through the contributions of specific projects, articulated from an international perspective.

With these conferences, the aim is to propose a state of the art, or scope of possibilities, based on the growth of research in the context of the arts, and the power understood as the energy that transforms the different opportunities into realities of confluence between different disciplines, or located outside their scope. Emergence and Power is the title of the conference, in order to analyze the moment in which the arts find themselves in relation to our context and contribute to catalyzing the configuration of new projects. It refers to the emergence of interdisciplinary research in the arts, as a territory that is being shaped, and to power as a mechanism of multiplying and transforming activation.

Artistic practices become essentially interdisciplinary (integrating in this case the prefixes trans-, multi- and extra-) due to the fact of positioning themselves between multiple forms of knowledge and multiple forms of creative experimentation, and due to the growing interest in themes that exceed the limits of the artistic disciplines themselves. Their situation of emergency is justified by the work of defining themselves in a state of growth and interest to position artistic research, but at the same time by the need to connect to other disciplinary areas, and to be able to face more complex approaches or problems. Here lies their power. It is in this sense that the Faculty of Fine Arts, in collaboration with the entities that form part of the Arts Campus, is considering the future potential of research, trying to position the interdisciplinarity inherent in the arts to articulate points of convergence, or make visible divergent approaches between different people interested in these paths of work.