Performance practices in real time are components of great relevance in today's art world. This type of realization implies, in itself, both a creative strategy and a wide field of creation and research. We plan a workshop in which projects can be developed based on the use of programs that allow live modification or modulation. We also propose learning in the use of technological supports that allow the coexistence in the same space and time of multiple and different disciplines, such as video, sound and action.
Faced with a reality that is becoming more and more fragile due to the great possibilities offered by the new means of modifying, transforming and distorting it, we propose to offer new platforms in which these distortions are minimized to the maximum. We are talking about devices that avoid intermediaries, devices where information appears in the same way as it happens, that is, live information offered in real time and from the same place where it happens.
This workshop is an activity generated by the BINARY PROSPECTS R&D research team, from the Department of Painting and the Engraving Section of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology - in actuality Ministry of Education and Science - and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).
Directed by Mia Makela aka SOLU. Visual agitator and Finnish cultural activist based in Barcelona.
From Monday 22 to Monday 29 May 2006 at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona. C/ Pau Gargallo 4, 08028 Barcelona.
Attendance is free and limited to 16 students.
The concert on Friday 26 May will take place at Hangar. Pg. of the Marquis of S. Isabel, 40.
The sessions of Roc Jiménez de Cisneros at Hangar and Joan Soler at the Faculty of Fine Arts will be open to the public.
Those interested in participating in the workshop must send an email to before May 16, sending a short curriculum vitae and indicating the availability of a laptop and used software./