
First session of CAiRE Thursdays open in Hangar. The session will feature a sharing of Beatriz Regueira's Voices Matters research.

Voices Matters is a proposal that explores voice as a physical-energetic and discursive phenomenon capable of "performing" the deepest part of our being, from the preverbal dimension of the birth of our voices as unconscious and amorphous sounds to articulation. of something close to the intelligible. The voice as matter points to those af(f)effects that unite us as bodies in a political ecology that goes beyond the human being where the word, if it is POP compassion, will help us to make that humanity something more that the residue present. The project is born of the need to "plug in" the voice of a dissertation under construction where the body is understood as the only place from which it is possible to generate a clinical-aesthetic_ ethic capable of temporarily suspending the policies of lightning, of the speed of light, image, algorithm. She sees it as thunder. Voices Matters is also a monthly radio show that works with Daphne Xanthopolou and Laura Llaneli.