Art and Research. Shared methodologies in artistic processes

Activity open to the public. Training activity for PhD students of the EAPA program (Advanced Studies in Artistic Productions) and for students of the PRODART Master's (Artistic Production and Research).
Call for papers: Deadline for submission of applications: 15/09/2014. The result of the selection will be notified on 30/09/2014.
Organized by: IMARTE Research Group. Metamétodos II coordinated project (HAR2012-39378-C03-01/02) of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Barcelona. The Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Fons Feder, University of Barcelona and Hangar Visual Arts Production and Research Center collaborate.
Direction: Alicia Vela. Coordination: Eloi Puig. Assistants: Lúa Coderch, Ainara Elgoibar.
Scientific committee: Carles Ameller, Laura Baigorri, David Casacuberta, Hanne Loreck, Albert Valera, Antònia Vilà.