
APRIL 9.4.2024 (Tuesday) 16:00 - 21:00 PM CET  

Opening: intro to artists work, cocktail reception.  

1.5.1- Welcome ceremony by the Vice Rector of Research (UB). Jordi Garcia  

1.5.2- Welcome by the coordinator of the MUSAE project. (POLIMI). Tatiana Efremenko.  

1.5.3- Presentation of the MUSAE Residence. (UB-Tech). Petia Radeva.  

1.5.4- Presentation of the Art Exhibition. (UB-Art). Martí Ruiz.  

1.5.5- Presentation of the technological partners. (PAL Robotics). Francesco Ferro.  

1.5.6- Guided tour by the MUSAE artists in residence. 

1.5.7- Networking & Cocktail  


APRIL 10.4.2024 (Wednesday) 9:00 - 21:00 CET 

12,30h- Open session & students fine arts: 

Guided tour of the students of the UB Faculty of Fine Arts UB-Art

16-19h- Culture institutions and Technological companies: 

Curators, Art institutions , Museum . UB-Art

Technological Companies, Digital hubs. UB-Tech.