Professor of Violence Psychology and Criminal Psychology. Director of the Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychobiology at the University of Barcelona. Director of the Criminal and Forensic Psychology Master. Supervisor and consultor of governmental agencies in Law and Enforcement Services, Penitentiary and Juvenile Justice in Spain and Latinoamerica and private and NGO services. His main research topic is violence risk assessment in professional settings. He has published papers and reports in violence prevention, aggression, impulsivity, individual differences and personality.
Director of Master’s Degree in Forensic and Criminal Psychology, UB/IL3
- M. Valdivia-Devia, J.C. Oyanedel, A. Andrés-Pueyo, M.F. Araya, M. Valdivia-Monzón (2021). Versatile or specialized criminal trajectories? Domestic violence aggressors [¿Trayectorias Delictivas Versátiles o Especializadas? Agresores de Violencia Intrafamiliar]. Anuario de Psicologia Juridica. DOI:10.5093/APJ2021A3
- M. Valdivia-Devia, J.C. Oyanedel, A. Andrés-Pueyo, M.F. Araya, M. Valdivia-Monzón (2020). Chronicity, violence and criminal trajectory length. Men arrested for domestic violence [Cronicidad, violencia y longitud de trayectoria criminal. Hombres detenidos por violencia doméstica]. Suma Psicologica. DOI:10.14349/sumapsi.2020.v27.n2.6
- S. Redondo, R.A. Gonçalves, J. Nistal, C. J. SolerS. Moreira, J. Andrade, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo (2020). Corrections and Crime in Spain and Portugal during the Covid-19 Pandemic: Impact, Prevention and Lessons for the Future. Victims and Offenders. DOI:10.1080/15564886.2020.1827108
- J.J. López-Ossorio, J.L. González-Álvarez, J.M. Muñoz Vicente, C. Urruela Cortés, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo (2019). Validation and Calibration of the Spanish Police Intimate Partner Violence Risk Assessment System (VioGén). Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. DOI:10.1007/s11896-019-09322-9
- D. Gallardo-Pujol, E. Penelo, C. Sit, M. Jornet-Gibert, C. Suso, M. Buades-Rotger, A. A. Maydeu-Olivares Andrés-Pueyo, F.B. Bryant (2019). The Meaning of Aggression Varies Across Culture: Testing the Measurement Invariance of the Refined Aggression Questionnaire in Samples From Spain, the United States, and Hong Kong. Journal of Personality Assessment. DOI:10.1080/00223891.2019.1565572
- M. Valdivia-Devia, J.C. Oyanedel Sepúlveda, A. Andrés-Pueyo (2018). Trajectory and criminal recidivism [Trayectoria y reincidencia criminal]. Revista Criminalidad. DOI:
- I. Loinaz, A. Andrés-Pueyo (2017). Victimization in the couple as a risk factor in women in prison [Vitimização no casal como fator do risco nas mulheres na prisão]. Revista Criminalidad. DOI: Female crime; Penitentiary centers / correctional facilities; Risk assessment. (Source: Tesauro de política criminal latinoamericana - ILANUD); Victimization
- J. Gutierrez-Maldonado, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo A. Jarne Talarn-Caparrós, M. Ferrer-García, J. J. Achotegui Achotegui (2017). Virtual reality for training diagnostic skills in anorexia nervosa: A usability assessment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics). DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-57987-0_19
- A. Andrés-Pueyo (2017). Manual de evaluación del riesgo de violencia. Metodología y ámbitos de aplicación. Ismael Loinaz. Editorial Pirámide. Madrid. 253 pp. Año 2017. Anuario de Psicologia Juridica. DOI:10.1016/j.apj.2017.02.003
- L. Wenger, A. Andrés-Pueyo (2016). Personality and clinical tests in Spanish for assessing juvenile offenders [Tests personológicos y clínicos en Español para evaluar adolescentes infractores]. Papeles del Psicologo. DOI:
- L. Wenger, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo (2016). Forensic tests in Spanish for assessing juvenile offenders [Tests forenses en Español para evaluar adolescentes infractores]. Papeles del Psicologo. DOI:
- J.J. López-Ossorio, J.L. González-Álvarez, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo (2016). Predictive effectiveness of the police risk assessment in intimate partner violence [Eficacia predictiva de la valoración policial del riesgo de la violencia de género]. Psychosocial Intervention. DOI:10.1016/j.psi.2015.10.002
- J. Gutierrez-Maldonado, M. Ferrer-García, J. Plasanjuanelo, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo A. Talarn-Caparrós Talarn-Caparrós (2015). Virtual Reality to Train Diagnostic Skills in Eating Disorders. Comparison of two Low Cost Systems. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. DOI:10.3233/978-1-61499-595-1-75
- V. Company Martínez, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo (2015). The Spanish version of the Criminal Sentiment Scale Modified (CSS-M): Factor structure, reliability, and validity. European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context. DOI:10.1016/j.ejpal.2015.03.001
- J. Gutierrez-Maldonado, M. Ferrer-García, J. Pla-Sanjuanelo, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo A. Talarn-Caparrós Talarn-Caparrós (2015). Virtual reality to train diagnostic skills in eating disorders. Comparison of two low cost systems. Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine. DOI:
- J. Gutierrez-Maldonado, M. Ferrer-García, J. Pla, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo (2014). Virtual humans and formative assessment to train diagnostic skills in bulimia nervosa. Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine. DOI:
- K. Arbach-Lucioni, S. Redondo-Illescas, J.P. Singh, A. Andrés-Pueyo (2014). Violent crimes in native and foreign national offenders. International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice. DOI:10.1016/j.ijlcj.2014.01.006 Area under curve; Immigration; Offender; Risk factor; Violence
- D. Gallardo-Pujol, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo A. Maydeu-Olivares Maydeu-Olivares (2013). MAOA genotype, social exclusion and aggression: An experimental test of a gene-environment interaction. Genes, Brain and Behavior. DOI:10.1111/j.1601-183X.2012.00868.x
- M. Subirana-Malaret, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo (2013). Proactive retention and therapeutic adherence in programs for male perpetrators of intimate partner violence [Retención proactiva y adherencia terapéutica en programas formativos para hombres maltratadores de la pareja]. Psychosocial Intervention. DOI:10.5093/in2013a12
- A. Andrés-Pueyo (2013). Sexual offenders, mental disorder and dangerousness [Delincuencia sexual, trastorno mental y peligrosidad]. Revista Espanola de Medicina Legal. DOI:10.1016/j.reml.2012.12.001
- M. Jornet-Gibert, D. Gallardo-Pujol, C. Suso, A. Andrés-Pueyo (2013). Attitudes do matter: The role of attitudes and personality in DUI offenders. Accident Analysis and Prevention. DOI:10.1016/j.aap.2012.05.023
- A. Andrés-Pueyo (2012). Present and future of interpersonal violence in the welfare state [Presente y futuro de la violencia interpersonal en las postrimerías del estado del bienestar]. Anuario de Psicologia. DOI:
- K. Arbach-Lucioni, M. Martinez-García, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo (2012). Risk Factors for Violent Behavior in Prison Inmates: A Cross-Cultural Contribution. Criminal Justice and Behavior. DOI:10.1177/0093854812445875
- S. Redondo, A. A. Martínez-Catena A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo (2012). Therapeutic effects of a cognitive-behavioural treatment with juvenile offenders. European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context. DOI:
- C. Peñaloza-Salazar, J. Gutierrez-Maldonado, M. Ferrer-García, A. A. Garcia-Palacios A. Andrés-Pueyo A. Aguilar-Alonso Aguilar-Alonso (2011). Simulated Interviews 3.0: Virtual Humans to train abilities of diagnosis - usability assessment. Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine. DOI:
- K. Arbach-Lucioni, A. Andrés-Pueyo, E. Pomarol-Clotet, J. J. Gomar-Soñes Gomar-Soñes (2011). Predicting violence in psychiatric inpatients: A prospective study with the HCR-20 violence risk assessment scheme. Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology. DOI:10.1080/14789949.2010.530290
- C. Peñaloza-Salazar, J. Gutierrez-Maldonado, M. Ferrer-García, A. A. Garcia-Palacios A. Andrés-Pueyo Aguilar-Alonso (2011). Simulated interviews 3.0: virtual humans to train abilities of diagnosis--usability assessment.. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. DOI:
- A. Andrés-Pueyo, E. Echeburúa (2010). Violence risk assessment: Available tools and instructions for use [Valoración del riesgo de violencia: Instrumentos disponibles e indicaciones de aplicación]. Psicothema. DOI:
- C. García-D. Forero Gallardo-Pujol, A. A. Maydeu-Olivares A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo (2009). Disentangling impulsiveness, aggressiveness and impulsive aggression: An empirical approach using self-report measures. Psychiatry Research. DOI:10.1016/j.psychres.2008.04.002
- C.G. D. Forero Gallardo-Pujol, A. A. Maydeu-Olivares A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo (2009). A longitudinal model for predicting performance of police officers using personality and behavioral data. Criminal Justice and Behavior. DOI:10.1177/0093854809333406
- D. Gallardo-Pujol, C.G. Forero, A. A. Maydeu-Olivares A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo (2009). The development of antisocial behavior: Psychobiological and environmental factors and gene-environment interactions [Desarrollo del comportamiento antisocial: Factores psicobiológicos, ambientales e interacciones genotipo-ambiente]. Revista de Neurologia. DOI:10.33588/rn.4804.2008084
- J. Gutierrez-Maldonado, I. Alsina-Jurnet, M.V. Rangel-Gómez, A. A. Aguilar-AlonsoJ. Jarne-Esparcia, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo A. Talarn-Caparrós Talarn-Caparrós (2008). Virtual intelligent agents to train abilities of diagnosis in psychology and psychiatry. Studies in Computational Intelligence. DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-68127-4_51
- J. Marco-Pallares, D. Cucurell, T. Cunillera, R. García, A. Andrés-Pueyo, T.F. Münte, A. Rodríguez-Fornells (2008). Human oscillatory activity associated to reward processing in a gambling task. Neuropsychologia. DOI:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2007.07.016
- D. Gallardo-Pujol, C. García-Forero, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo Maydeu-Olivares (2008). Monoamine Oxidase A, Gender Differences, and Social Exclusion: Comment on Eisenberger et al.. Biological Psychiatry. DOI:10.1016/j.biopsych.2007.03.026
- A. Andrés-Pueyo, S. López, E. E. Álvarez Álvarez (2008). Assessment of the risk of intimate partner violence and the SARA [Valoración del riesgo de violencia contra la pareja por medio de la SARA]. Papeles del Psicologo. DOI:
- A. Andrés-Pueyo, S. Redondo (2007). Introduction: Violence risk assessment [Presentaion: La predicción de la violencia]. Papeles del Psicologo. DOI:
- D. Gallardo-Pujol, C. García-Forero, U. Kramp, A. A. Maydeu-Olivares Andrés-Pueyo (2007). IQ heritability estimation: Analyzing genetically-informative data with structural equation models. Psicothema. DOI:
- D. Gallardo-Pujol, U. Kramp, C. García-Forero, M. Pérez-Ramírez, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo (2006). Assessing aggressiveness quickly and efficiently: the Spanish adaptation of Aggression Questionnaire-Refined version. European Psychiatry. DOI:10.1016/j.eurpsy.2006.02.002
- A. Andrés-Pueyo (2006). Juvenile violence: reality today and the implicated psychological factors [Violencia juvenil. Realidad actual y factores psicológicos implicados.]. Revista de enfermería (Barcelona, Spain). DOI:
- D. Gallardo-Pujol, A. Andrés-Pueyo (2006). Re-analysis of correlations among four impulsivity scales. Psychological Reports. DOI:10.2466/PR0.99.1.221-224
- J.T. Carmo, A. Andrés-Pueyo, E.A. López (2005). The evolution in the concept of smoking [La evolución del concepto de tabaquismo.]. Cadernos de saúde pública / Ministério da Saúde, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública. DOI:10.1590/s0102-311x2005000400002
- R. Colom, J.Ma. Lluis-Font, A. Andrés-Pueyo (2005). The generational intelligence gains are caused by decreasing variance in the lower half of the distribution: Supporting evidence for the nutrition hypothesis. Intelligence. DOI:10.1016/j.intell.2004.07.010
- A. Rodríguez-Fornells, U. Lorenzo-Seva, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo (2002). Are high-impulsive and high risk-taking people more motor disinhibited in the presence of incentive?. Personality and Individual Differences. DOI:10.1016/S0191-8869(01)00068-X
- A.R. Fornells, J.M.L. Capdevila, A. Andrés-Pueyo (2002). Personality dimensions and prison adjustement [Personalidad y comportamiento penitenciario]. Psicothema. DOI: Article
- A. Rodríguez-Fornells, U. Lorenzo-Seva, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo (2001). Psychometric Properties of the Spanish Adaptation of the Five Factor Personality Inventory. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. DOI:10.1027//1015-5759.17.2.145
- E. Álvarez López, J. Gutiérrez Maldonado, A. Andrés-Pueyo (2001). Smoking and schizotypy [Hábito de fumar y esquizotipia]. Psicothema. DOI:
- R. Colom Marañón, A. Andrés-Pueyo (1999). The study of human intelligence. A revision at the turn of the century [El estudio de la inteligencia humana: Recapitulación ante el cambio de milenio]. Psicothema. DOI:
- J. Expósito, A. Andrés-Pueyo (1997). The effects of impulsivity on the perceptual and decision stages in a choice reaction time task. Personality and Individual Differences. DOI:10.1016/S0191-8869(96)00259-0
- J. Gutierrez-Maldonado, M. Ferrer-García, J. Pla, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo Virtual humans and formative assessment to train diagnostic skills in bulimia nervosa (2014) 10.3233/978-1-61499-401-5-30
- J. Gutierrez-Maldonado, A. Andrés-Pueyo, C. Peñaloza, M. M. Ferrer-García Ferrer-García A training program of differential diagnosis of dissociative disorders based on virtual simulations (2011)
- A. Andrés-Pueyo, K. Arbach-Lucioni, S. Redondo The RisCanvi: A New Tool for Assessing Risk for Violence in Prison and Recidivism (2017) 10.1002/9781119184256.ch13
- J. Gutierrez-Maldonado, M. Ferrer-García, J. Pla, A. A. Andrés-Pueyo Andrés-Pueyo Virtual humans and formative assessment to train diagnostic skills in bulimia nervosa (2014) 10.3233/978-1-61499-401-5-30