Ana Martínez Catena

Short Introduction

My primary research area is Criminal Psychology and Criminology, with a particular focus on enhancing our understanding of juvenile delinquency and sex offenders. I am particularly intrigued by the transition from juvenile delinquency to adult criminal careers and the process of desistance from crime. Simultaneously, recognizing the importance of addressing the impact on victims, I am equally interested in understanding the experiences and needs of those affected by crimes.

I am convinced that gaining deeper insights into the factors influencing the initiation and cessation of criminal activities, as well as the perspectives of victims, can empower societies to develop more effective prevention strategies and comprehensive criminal policies.

Furthermore, my research extends to the development, enhancement, and evaluation of therapeutic programs tailored for delinquents and offenders. By contributing to the design and assessment of such programs, I aim to advance rehabilitation efforts and promote positive changes in individuals with a history of criminal involvement, while also acknowledging and addressing the needs of those who have suffered as victims of crime.


Sánchez de Ribera, O.; Trajtenberg, N.; A. Martínez-Catena; S. Redondo (2023). Implementation of Treatment Program for Individuals Imprisoned for Sex Offenses in Uruguay: Achievements, Problems and Challenges. Sexual Abuse- A Journal Of Research And Treatment, 35(4): 503-533. DOI: 10.1177/10790632221127976

S. Redondo, A. Martínez-Catena & Andrés-Pueyo (2023). [Free will or neuroscience?: criminology and criminal career]. ¿Libre albedrío o neurociencia?: criminología y carrera delictiva. In Muñoz Sánchez et al. (Eds). Estudios Político Criminales, Jurídicos Penales y Criminológicos. Libro homenaje al Profesor José Luis Díez Ripollés.Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch

A. Martínez-Catena; M. Subirana-Malaret; Subirana-Malaret, F. (2022). The response of law enforcement agencies and police officers’ experiences under the Covid-19 state of alarm in Catalonia, Spain. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 45, 1 42- 58. DOI:</a>

Martinez-Catena, A.; S. Redondo (2021). Treatment and therapeutic change of individuals imprisoned for child abuse at the Barcelona Study on Sex Offenders. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Oct;37(19-20):NP17709-NP17737. DOI: 10.1177/08862605211028310 

A. Martínez-Catena, S. Redondo, A. Andrés-Pueyo (2022). [Prevention and treatment of group sexual assaults]. Prevención y tratamiento de las agresiones sexuales grupales. In De la Torre et al., (Eds.) Violencia sexual en grupo: un estudio multidisciplinar.Bosch- Wolters Kluver 

S. Redondo, A. Martínez-Catena (2022). [Personal, social and situational risks in criminal victimization: a Triple Victimious Risk (TRV)?]. Riesgos personales, sociales y situacionales en la victimización delictiva: ¿un Triple Riesgo Victimógeno (TRV)? In Gómez Martín et al. (Eds),Un modelo integral de Derecho penal. Libro Homenaje a la Prof. Dra. Mirentxu Corcoy Bidasolo. Madrid:Editorial BOE

M. Subirana-Malaret; A. Martínez-Catena; Gahagan, J. (2020). The Spanish experience. Psycho-Criminological Approaches to Stalking Behavior: An International Perspective. In H. Choon Chan & L. Sheridan (eds.). Stalking and intimate partner violence prevention from ecological and public health perspectives. UK: Wiley.

A. Martínez-Catena; S. Redondo (2017). Psychological treatment and therapeutic change in incarcerated rapists. European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context, 1, 41- 49.
