Palgrave Macmillan Local State-Society Relations in Spain Carmen Navarro & Lluis Medir Chapter First Online: 02 September 2020 98 Accesses 1 Citations Part of the Palgrave Studies in Sub-National Governance book series (PSSNG) Abstract In the chapter on Spain the following networks of local state-society relations are considered: the consultative councils for education, the Local Action Groups, the consortia for tourism promotion and the consultative councils for the elderly. They have been selected combining the criteria of the relevance of the network and the degree of generalization among municipalities. After a brief introduction on the general traits of civic engagement in Spain, each network is described and classified according to their degree of autonomy, coherence and relevance and assessed following the typology of this volume. Consultative councils for education represent self-reflective networks, Local Action Groups are consociational networks, while consortia for tourism promotion and consultative councils for the elderly are both characterized as collaborative networks.