Andorra: Local elections in quasi-federal institutions.

Medir, Ll., Vilanova, P., & Pano, E. (2022). Andorra: Local elections in quasi-federal institutions. In The Routledge Handbook of Local Elections and Voting in Europe (pp. 187-196). Routledge.


This chapter aims to familiarize the reader with the main electoral features of Andorra at the local level. With no regional level, Andorra has strong political and institutional local governments, deeply rooted in national history and directly recognized in the constitution. The seven local units of Andorra elect their mayors by means of a mixed electoral system, the majority bonus system (MBS), in one round that combines a subsidiary distribution of seats by proportional representation (PR) with a strong majoritarian attribution system. As a result, the local council chooses mayors who are powerful political leaders governing solid institutions. However, the recent evolution in turnout, together with the increasing number of party lists running for office at the local level, seems to configure an evolution toward more complexity in a very stable political system.

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