PhD in Sociology. Part-time professor in the field of Economic Sociology and Welfare Policy (University of Barcelona) and researcher of the IERMB (The Barcelona Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies), where he works for innovative public policy projects promoted by the Area of Social Rights of the Barcelona City Council, such as the former international B-MINCOME (UIA) or URBinclusion (URBACT),  which ara among the most relevant ones. His main fields of work are innovation in social public policies and economic democracy. He was visiting PhD student at the Centre for Social Economy (Université de Liège) and the Centre de Recherche sur les Innovations Sociales (Université du Québec à Montréal).

Contact:; @sriutort
Further information: IERMB

Featured publications

Torrens, L.; Riutort, S.; Juan, M. (2022). Towards a new social model of the city: Barcelona’s integral superblocks. In O. Heckman (ed.). Future Urban Habitation: : Transdisciplinary Perspectives, Conceptions, and Designs. Hoboken, NJ i West Sussex, UK: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 25-36. 

Riutort, S.; Julià, A.; Laín, B.; Torrens, L. (2021). B-MINCOME pilot final results (2017-2019). Executive report, Barcelona: Area of Social Rights, Global Justice, Feminism and LGBTI Affairs, Barcelona City Council. Available:

Cotarelo P.; Riutort, S. (2020). Reduir desigualtats amb un política energètica social. Barcelona Societat. Revista de coneixement i anàlisi social, 27, 84-93. 

Wagenaar, H.; Healey, P.; Laino, G.; Healey, P.; Vigar, G.; Riutort Isern, S.; Honeck, T.; Beunderman, J.; van der Heijden, J.; Wagenaar, H. (2015). The Transformative Potential of Civic Enterprise. Planning Theory and Practice, 16 (4), 557-585.