PhD candidate in the Department of Sociology at the University of Barcelona. His doctoral project, supervised by Jordi Mundó, is titled ‘Political Freedom, Property and Sovereignty in the Republican Federalism of Pi y Margall’. It aims to investigate a history of the fundamental concepts which articulated Pimargalian thought, as well as to study the social, economic and political institutions proposed by the Spanish federal movement. He is also member of the Editorial Board of the political journal Debats pel Demà.

Research lines: Conceptual History, History of Political Thought, Spanish Republicanism, State Theory.

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Featured publications

Montés, J. (2022). Remediando el olvido historiográfico de la Primera República. Historia Constitucional, 23, 637-642.

Montés, J. (2022). Más allá de una excrecencia parasitaria: el concepto de Estado en Gramsci y Foucault. Dorsal. Revista de Estudios Foucaultianos, 12, 105-127.

Montés, J. (2022). Los nuevos caminos del neoliberalismo: el caso de la economía colaborativa y el deseo de emancipación. Oxímora. Revista Internacional de Ética y Política, 20, 38-60.

Montés, J. (2022). Després de la pandèmia: el retorn de l’Estat. Debats pel Demà, 1, 6-17.