PhD candidate in the University of Barcelona and the University of Groningen. His doctoral project, supervised by David Casassas and Lisa Herzog, is titled “Free speech, republicanism and the political economy of communications”. It aims to show, historically and conceptually, how claims to free speech within the republican tradition are not merely negative (i.e. claims of non-interference) but normative expectations regarding a certain distribution of communication-related resources. His case study concerns seventeenth-century England.

Contact:; @david_guemar
Further information: ORCID; ResearchGate;

Featured publications

Casassas, D. and Guerrero, D. (2022). De ingresos y pedazos de tierra: renta básica, predistribución y desmercantilización en el marco de “economías políticas populares”. Política y Sociedad, 59(2), 1-16.

Guerrero, D. and Martínez-Cava, J. (2022). Between tyranny and self-interest: Why neorepublicanism disregards natural rights. Theoria. A Journal of Social and Political Theory, 69(171), 140-171.

Guerrero, D. (2020). Looking for democracy in fiduciary government. Historical notes on an unsettled relationship (ca. 1520-1650). Daimon Revista Internacional De Filosofia, 81, 17-32.

Guerrero, D. (2020) “Razones para tolerar a los papistas igual que a otros”. La Iglesia Católica y el nuevo manuscrito de John Locke. Sin Permiso, 17, 219-228.

Guerrero, D. (2018). Tres velles idees per comprendre la llibertat d’expressió avui. El Marx de la Gaseta Renana (1842-1843). Nous Horitzons, 218, 52-61.