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political philosophy, economics and ethics of fiduciary relationships: liberty, property, commons and public policy
- Main researchers: Jordi Mundó, David Casassas
- Code: PID2021-123885NB-I00
- Period: 2022-2026
- Institution: Spanish Ministry of Research and Science
political freedom, property rights, commons and public policy understood as fiduciary relationships
- Main researchers: Jordi Mundó, David Casassas
- Code: PGC2018-094324-B-I00
- Period: 2019-2021
- Institution: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
- Main researcher: Bru Laín
- Code: 822766
- Period: 2019-2022
- Institution: European Union
Patients as Agents. Rethinking Patient Autonomy From a Fiduciary Framework
- Main researcher: Jordi Mundó
- Code: BEC-2019-024
- Period: 2019
- Institution: Fundació Grífols
Sovereingty, political freedom, property rights and commons
- Main researchers: Antoni Domènech, Jordi Mundó
- Code: FFI2015-63707-P
- Period: 2016-2019
- Institution: Spanish Ministry of Economy
The great fabrication and invisibilization of history: the 19th-century recategorization of the humanities, political philosphy, law and economic theory, and some of its consequences in the 20th century
- Main researcher: Antoni Domènech
- Code: FFI2012-33561
- Period: 2013-2015
- Institution: Spanish Ministry of Economy
Interpretive conjunctures and backgrounds: social ontology, history, common sense and good sense in political philosophy
- Main researcher: Antoni Domènech
- Code: FFI2009-10941
- Period: 2010-2012
- Institution: Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
reflective equilibrium and historical indexation of philosophical-political concepts
- Main researcher: Antoni Domènech
- Code: HUM2005-03992
- Period: 2005-2008
- Institution: Spanish Inter-ministerial Comission of Science and Technology
How to overcome the underdetermination of “reflective equilibrium” in normative social theories: the case of republican ethics and political philosophy
- Main researcher: Antoni Domènech
- Code: BFF2002-04394-C02-01
- Period: 2002-2005
- Institution: Spanish Inter-ministerial Comission of Science and Technology
Evolutionary dynamics in cognitive, social and moral systems. Methodological consequences for the social sciences and normative philosophy
- Main researcher: Antoni Domènech
- Code: PB98-1192
- Period: 1999-2002
- Institution: Spanish Secretary of State of Education, Universities and Research and Development