PhD in Economics, associate professor (professor titular) at the Department of Sociology of the University of Barcelona. He is one of the main academics who introduced the basic income in the Spanish-speaking world. He has given lectures in several European and American universities. He has written a variety of works on normative republican theory. He regularly writes in the US edited magazine Counterpunch. Part of his work is dedicated to the public promotion of the basic income, as well as the edition and organization of Sin Permiso. He is the president of Red Renta Básica, an official section of the Basic Income Earth Network.


Featured publications

Raventós, D. (2021). La Renta Básica. ¿Por qué y para qué? Catarata.

Bertomeu, M.J. and Raventós, D. (2020). Renta Básica y Renta Máxima: una concepción republicano-democrática. Daimon. Revista Internacional de Filosofía 81, 197-213.

Arcarons, J., Raventós, D. and Torrens, L. (2017). Renta Básica Incondicional. Una propuesta de financiación racional y justa. Serbal.

Raventós, D. (2007). Basic Income. The Material Conditions of Freedom. Pluto Press.

Domènech, A. and Raventós, D. (2007). Property and Republican Freedom: An Institutional Approach to Basic Income. Basic Income Studies, 2(2), 1-8.