We take the feminist paradigm as an interpretative framework that, thanks to the use of concepts created or given new meaning through the paradigm itself (such as androcentrism, patriarchy, gender, gender-based violence and sexual harassment), allows for the visibility, illumination and identification of phenomena that would be irrelevant or insignificant from other positions and perspectives.
In this line of research, we take a critical stance towards the subordination of women and gender-based discrimination. From an intersectional perspective, we analyse the forms of social oppression that emerge at the crossroads between gender and other bases of discrimination, such as class, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, age and functional diversity,
Such conceptual reflections cannot be disassociated from social action and transformative practices with major political implications. The political dimension of our practices entails an active, participation-oriented commitment to social change.
Some of this line of research’s projects and publications are the work of GrediDona, a group of gender researchers targeting social transformation (http://gredidona.blogspot.com.es/).