Pia Cordero

Postdoctoral researcher

Cum Laude PhD in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona with the thesis “Cap a una teoria de l’art en Edmund Husserl. Un estudi d’alguns dels manuscrits sobre la imaginació des dels anys de Göttingen fins als primers anys de Freiburg”. MD in Arts with mention in Theory and History of Arts and BA in Philosophy at the Universidad de Chile. She has been academic visitor in ilém Flusser Archive, Universität der Künste Berlin; Husserl-Archive, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg; and in the Research Support Programme from the Center for Studies and Documentation from MACBA.

Areas of study:

Her research area is phenomenology, art theory and contemporary art. Currently, she is developing the postdoctoral project “Ideality and intersubjectivity in Edmund Husserl’s theory of art” directed by Dr. Josep Maria Esquirol. She also collaborates with artists, art galleries and museums through exhibition curation and art criticism.

Research projects:

(2023-2021) “Alfredo Jaar y sus proyectos visuales 1994- 2010”, Museo de la Memoria y los Derechos Humanos, Chile.

(2018) “Art i desterritorialització: tres obres xilenes de la col·lecció del MACBA”, Programa de Suport a la Investigació, Center for Studies and Documentation, MACBA.
Notable publications: