Anna Rafecas
Predoctoral researcher
Anna Rafecas Sogas holds a degree in philosophy from the Universitat de Barcelona (2020). She has completed a research master’s degree in metaphysics, epistemology and philosophical anthropology at the Radboud Universiteit in the Netherlands (2023). She is currently a predoctoral researcher (Predocs UB) at the Facultat de Filosofia from the Universitat de Barcelona. Under the direction of Dr. Josep Maria Esquirol, her research focuses on political consciousness and is interested in the relationship between individual experience and collective political consciousness. Through authors such as Georg Lukács, she works on issues related to hermeneutic injustice, false consciousness and epistemic advantage.
Notable publications:
- Rafecas Sogas, A. (properament). Left Accelerationism as a Messianism: a Dialogue between Left Accelerationism and Saint Paul. Points of Interest, 10.