Berta Saenz
Postdoctoral researcher

Berta Sáenz Almazán graduated in Philosophy from the University of Barcelona (Extraordinary Prize, 2017), has completed a Master’s Degree in Theoretical and Practical Philosophy at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Diploma Honorífic, 2019) and has obtained her doctorate laude at the University of Barcelona. For the last four years, she has trained as a teacher and researcher thanks to a FPU predoctoral contract at the University of Barcelona. Since 2020, she has worked as a university teacher at Ramon Llull University’s Campus La Salle, EUSS and the Chemical Institute of Sarria. She has also occasionally collaborated with the Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics.

Areas of study:

She has focused her research in the field of ethics and political philosophy, studying the relationship between interdependence and responsibility as an alternative paradigm to the obsolete figure of the autonomous subject. The research has revolved around topics such as solidarity, vulnerability and care, among others. Beyond academia, she has a strong interest in Eastern thought and its elaborate philosophical tradition. Finally, her interest in philosophy accompanies her vocation for languages, the two areas to which she has devoted herself most, often through teaching.

Notable publications:

  • Sáenz Almazán, B. (2023). How to care in atheistic times? The other’s interpellation in Butler and Levinas [Doctoral thesis]. Universitat de Barcelona.
  • Sáenz Almazán, B. (2024). “Pensar desde el cuerpo, pensar la interdependencia” en Ramírez Solís, Mónica Beatriz (Ed.), Pensar los cuerpos. Miradas plurales. UABCS editorial [pendiente de publicación].
  • Sáenz Almazán, B. (2022). “Perder el tiempo desde el budismo: ¿el remedio o la enfermedad?”, in Yuste Leciñena, Piedad (Ed.), La otra mirada. Filosofías de la India, China y Japón (pp. 191 – 209). Dykinson. ISBN: 978-84-1122-648-6