Iria Rodríguez
Predoctoral researcher FPU

Iria Rodríguez Pérez graduated in English Studies (2017) at the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) and completed a Master’s Degree in Political Philosophy (2019) at Universitat Pompeu Fabra. She is a pre-doctoral researcher (FPU) at the Facultat de Filosofia and a member of the María Zambrano Seminar (UB).

Her research, directed by Dr. Josep Maria Esquirol, revolves around the work of María Zambrano, particularly around the area of “feeling” as the core of her philosophical anthropology and its link with ethics.

Notable publications:


  • Rodríguez Pérez, I. (2023). Una aproximación a la apertura del sentir en la obra de María Zambrano. Actas X Congreso internacional filosofia y salud mental: condición humana y vulnerabilidad. Grup Aporia (ed.).
  • Rodríguez Pérez, I. (2023). Review of Del sentir hacia el pensar: María Zambrano, by Joaquín Verdú de Gregorio (Taugenit, 2021). Aurora, papeles del Seminario María Zambrano (Universitat de Barcelona), 24.