The Aporia group develops its activity within the framework of Contemporary Philosophy . The professors who make up the group direct doctoral theses related to authors from the 19th century to the present, with all thematic accents: ethical, political, aesthetic, anthropological, metaphysical…
Its main lines of research are the following:
The articulation of a philosophical anthropology, with the name “philosophy of proximity”.
- The elaboration of an ethics of care, capable of being projected in several fields: bioethics, ethics of social services, ethics of artificial intelligence…
The intersection between philosophy and mental health, which is a line developed in collaboration with professionals of the social and health field and hospital institutions.
The deployment of a philosophy of education.
Aporia. Consolidated Research Group (SGR): 2021 SGR 00294
“La mirada filosófica como mirada médica”
- Research agreement between Aporia Group and Fundació Hospitalària Sant Pere Claver
The School of the Soul , 2024, by Josep Maria Esquirol, is now in bookstores.
The German translation of Human, more human , by Josep Maria Esquirol ( Menschliches, noch Menschlicheres ) has been published. Translated by An-Magritt Ahn.
Take a look at Carlos Rejón’s latest book, Uno y distinto. Estudios sobre locura e individuación.