10th ISEM Network Conferences in Toledo: “In first, second and third person”

On May 22 and 23, the X Conferences of the ISEM Network were held in Toledo, titled “In first, second and third person”.

During the morning of Thursday the 23rd we participated in the round table “The formal construction of the figure of peer support worker”, together with other colleagues from the sector. During the debate, we analyzed the figure of peer support worker in different countries, we learned about the benefits of this profession both for people who practice it and for people who use it as a resource, and we talked about the need to look to the future for its implementation and homogeneous development.

The ISEM Network’s technical conferences have the purpose, among other things, of transferring experiences and knowledge between all the mental health entitites that make up the platform. This year the theme is focused on all the resources and opportunities offered by the community in which the entities are located and which they can use when offering and reviewing the care, mutual support and continuity models in mental health.

You can see the program here