Sixth transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ TuTo3 – PAT – Peer and Team Support project

On June 19, 20 and 21, 2024, took place the sixth transnational meeting of the Erasmus+ TuTo PAT 3 project, on the implementation of the technical figure of peer support workers. The meeting took place in the city of Montréal, Canada, and resulted in three days of work with the project consortium, made up of peer support entities and associations from several countries.

On the 19th, we had the opportunity to attend the 3rd International Recovery and Citizenship Collective 2024 Conference, focused on integrating peer support workers into multidisciplinary teams and how their work contributes to promoting the Civic Recovery Composite Index (CRCI). In addition, our member Francisco José Eiroá-Orosa lectured about the first implementation of Citizenship Model in the Spanish context.

On the 20th, we had the pleasure to visit the Kahnawake Mohawk Territory and learn about their approach to health and traditional medicine.

The last day, we visited the McGill Faculty Club facilities to work on the TuTo 3 PAT project and its results, which will be released soon. 

You can download the program here (english version)


Next and final station, Namur (Belgium) in November!

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