social reproduction crisis

Areas of research

Social Reproduction Crisis

Social reproduction crises affect socio-ecological practices, institutions and relationships and cultural frameworks that allow the continuity of life. They represent a break in the processes of viability of the socio-economic and socio-ecological structure, as well as in the life projects of people, domestic networks, local communities. This line of research is based on these multi-scale crises to explore the tensions and conflicts between life assessments and capital valorisation.


The members who form this line of research are
Susana Narotzky; Juliane Müller; Natalia Buier; Uzuri Aboitiz; Giacomo Loperfido; Antonio Maria Pusceddu; Patricia Homs; Jaume Franquesa; Patricia Alves de Matos; Theodora Vetta; Fernanda Sciessere; Paul Sperneac-Wolfer