energy transitions

Areas of research

Energy Transitions

Energy, as any other kind of resource, is relational and historical.  Exploring energy transitions, thus, implies looking at the intricate cultural, economic, and political interplay embedded in dense power relations of socioecological change. This research line delves into, first, the ways capitalism constantly tries to solve its own ecological contradictions through ecological fixes; and, second, the ways that unequal distribution of ecological risks, rights and benefits is enmeshed in the everyday realm of making a living, informing a variety of conflicts, entitlements, moralities and legitimacies that, in their turn, shape the conditions of possibilities for acting and imagining an eco-just future.



The members who form this line of research are
Theodora Vetta; Susana Narotzky; Juliane Müller; Doris Buu-Sao; Antonio Maria Pusceddu; Jaume Franquesa