Beyond Fashionable Knowledge: Learning from Others and Learning with Others

Narotzky, Susana. July 21, 2021, Keynote speaker “Beyond Fashionable Knowledge: Learning from Others and Learning with Others”, Conference of EASA’s Europeanist Network (EuroNet) and History of Anthropology Network (HOAN), 21-22 July 2021.


The Europeanist Network and the History of Anthropology Network, aiming to challenge the narrative of major, self-standing European traditions, have invited participants to investigate the complexities and the embeddedness of anthropological knowledge transfer in and beyond European(ist) research, especially emphasizing the work at/between the ‘margins’—both geographic and conceptual—in past and present times.

Anthropological Pathways and Crossings Knowledge Production and Transfer in and beyond Europe is a Joint Virtual Conference of EASA’s Europeanist Network (EuroNet) and History of Anthropology Network (HOAN) on which Susana Narotzky (GER-UB) participated as keynote speaker.



EASA’s event