food systems

Areas of research

Food Systems

Food production, distribution and consumption are inserted in contexts mediated by social hierarchies, political and economic contexts, cultural meanings and standardised symbolic relationships, as well as forms of relationship and/or exploitation with the environment. This line of research focuses mainly on (1) Long chains of industrial food supply and the experience of grassroots workers. Often inserted in a context of structural vulnerability these workers, often racialized and sometimes illegalized migrants, receive in their body and in their mental health the consequences of an extractivist system; (2) The study of the relations between humans and the environment, and the options to alleviate the metabolic gap and the conditions of labor exploitation (such as agroecology).


The members who form this line of research are
Paula Escribano; Seth Holmes; Susana Narotzky; Natalia Buier; Uzuri Aboitiz; Patricia Homs; Paul Sperneac-Wolfer;