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LUNDSTEEN, Martin (Forthcoming) “Islamophobia”. In N. Ribas-Mateos, L. Oso and M. Morali (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Global Migration: New Mobilities and Artivism. Camberley, Surrey: Edward Elgar Publishing.

LUNDSTEEN, Martin (Forthcoming) “Everyday Bordering”. In N. Ribas-Mateos, L. Oso and M. Morali (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Global Migration: New Mobilities and Artivism. Camberley, Surrey: Edward Elgar Publishing.

NAROTZKY, Susana (Forthcoming). “Learning from Others and Learning with Others: Making Sense of Reality, Giving Voice, Building Theory”. In Hande Birkalan-Gedik, Fabiana Dimpflmeier (eds.) The Fabrics of Anthropological Knowledge: Changing Perspectives in and Beyond Europe. New York and Oxford: Berghahn.

NAROTZKY, Susana; HOMS, P. and MARTÍNEZ, B. (Forthcoming). Agricultura y reproducción social: las explotaciones agrarias familiares entre la viabilidad económica y la reproducción de la vida. In Andrés Pedreño y Carlos de Castro (eds.) Explorando la agricultura globalizada. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas, CIS.

NAROTZKY, Susana (Forthcoming). “Class”. In Jelena Tošić, Sabine Strasser & Annika Lems (eds.) Re-turns, Entanglements and Generations: Anthropology in Europe. New York and Oxford: Berghahn.

Isabel Cutillas, RAMÍREZ MELGAREJO, Antonio J., Natalia Moraes (Forthcoming). “No hay nadie que lo haga mejor que nosotros”. La construcción discursiva de la calidad en el sector hortofrutícola de la Región de Murcia” en Explorando la agricultura globalizada. Coords. Andrés Pedreño y Carlos de Castro. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (aceptado, en proceso de edición).

MÜLLER, Juliane (2023). “Kinship, Godparenthood and Urban Estates in the Bolivian Andes: The Cultural Production of Business Families.” In: Tobias Koellner (ed.) Family Firms and Business Families in Cross-Cultural Perspective. Bringing Anthropology Back In, Palgrave/MacMillan, pp. 179-195.

PEDREÑO CÁNOVAS, Andrés (2023): La Soledad de los Incurables del Amianto, en Jose Luis Moreno Pestaña y Jorge Costa (coordinadores): Todo lo que entró en crisis. Escenas de clase y crisis económica, cultural y social, Akal, pp. 175-204.

PUSCEDDU, Antonio Maria (2023). “Pipeline, flows and roots: Power struggles and infrastructures in southern Italy,” in Tobias Haller, Christopoh Oberlack and Samuel Weissman (eds), Disenchanted Modernities: Mega-Infrastructure Projects, Socio-Ecological Changes and Local Responses, Berlin: LIT. ISBN: 9783643803788

PUSCEDDU, Antonio Maria (2023). “A matter of class? Environmental conflict and the vernacular politics of the commons”, in Claudia Ortu, Francesco Bachis (eds) Languaging Class, Reflecting on the Linguistic Articulations of Structural Inequalities, Delaware: Vernon Press, pp. 147-162.

ESCRIBANO, Paula (2022). “Intentional Communities”. In: Robert Brinkmann (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

FRANQUESA, Jaume (2022). “Unruly workers and laborless landscapes: The role of marginal places and redundant people in energy transitions”. The Routledge handbook of the anthropology of labor. Edited by S. Kasmir and L. Gill. Pp. 396-408: London: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003158448-38

FRANQUESA, Jaume (2022). “Natural resources: The twice-hidden abode of economic processes”. A handbook of economic anthropology. 3rd edition. Edited by J. Carrier. Pp. 72-84: Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. DOI: 10.4337/9781839108921.00014

HOMS, Patricia and Roca, C. (2022). “Feminismes, cures i economia social i solidària a l’entorn rural”. In: Economia Solidària i Ruralitats. Pp. 25-39 Sant Cugat del Vallès: Pol·len

LUNDSTEEN, Martin (2022). “Espai i frontera” [Space and border]. In M. Lundsteen and G. Navas (Eds.), “Espai i…”: Reflexions sobre el paper de l’espai en les societats contemporanis, pp. 57-88. Barcelona: Edicions Bellaterra. ISBN: 978-84-19160-00-3

MATOS, Patricia (2022). “The Politics of Austerity Welfare Charity, Discourses of Deservingness and Human Needs in a Portuguese Church Parish”. In Tosic, Jelena & Streinzer, Andreas (eds) Ethnographies of deservingness: unpacking ideologies of distribution and inequality, pp. 199-221. New York, Estados Unidos: Berghahn Books.

MÜLLER, Juliane (2022). “Grupos emergentes en Bolivia: los debates acerca de los comerciantes gremiales.” In: compilated by Mario Luna, Clases, grupos e individuos de Colombia. Cali: Universidad del Valle, Programa Editorial, pp. 91-97.

NAROTZKY, S. (2022) “To have a life: Labor reproduction, value and negative value.” In Sharryn Kasmir and Lesley Gill (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of the Anthropology of Labor. London: Routledge, pp.3-16

NAROTZKY, S. (2022) “Provisioning and the household”. In James Carrier (ed.) A Handbook of Economic Anthropology. Third Edition. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp.56-70

NAROTZKY, S. (2022) “Caring for the old and letting them die: a political economy of human worth.” In Tošić, Jelena and Andreas Streinzer. Ethnographies of Deservingness. Unpacking Ideologies of Distribution and Inequality. New York and Oxford: Berghahn, pp.31-67.

PEDREÑO CÁNOVAS, Andrés; De Castro Pericacho, C.; García Sánchez, M. A. (2022): “Producir la naturaleza: agricultura intensiva, estándares de calidad y controversias ambientales en el Mar Menor”, en De Castro, Gadea y Reigada (editores): La Producción de la Calidad en el Sector Agroalimentario: Un Análisis Sociológico. Tirant Lo Blanch. 1, pp. 17-78.

PUSCEDDU, Antonio Maria (2022). “Una faccia, una razza? Questione mediterranea e teorema meridionale”, in S. Tulumello (ed), Per una geografia del cambiamento, dal Mezzogiorno al Mediterraneo. Saggi in memoria di Alberto Tulumello, Milano, Mimesis. ISBN: 9788857583839

PUSCEDDU, Antonio Maria (2022). “Political ecologies of value: Austerity and socio-environmental conflict in the Italian South”, in Rita Calvário, Maria Kaika, Giorgos Velegrakis (eds.) The Political Ecology of Austerity: Crisis, Social Movements, and the Environment. London: Routledge

RAMÍREZ MELGAREJO, Antonio J.; PEDREÑO CÁNOVAS, Andrés. (2022). Social division of labour, recognition and contempt in the health crisis. COVID-19 and Social Change in Spain. 1, Routledge.

VETTA, Theodora (2022). “Insolvency, inequality and moral struggles: the case of the Greek household-protection law”, In Tošić, Jelena and Andreas Streinzer. Ethnographies of Deservingness. Unpacking Ideologies of Distribution and Inequality. New York: Berghahn.

HOMS, Patricia; Flores-Pons, G. y Martín Mayor, A. (2021). “Sustainable lives and care: Agro-ecological cooperativism in Catalonia, Spain”, in Nelson, A. & F. Edwards. (eds), Food for Degrowth. Perspectives and Practices. London: Routledge.

LOPERFIDO, Giacomo (2021). “Introduction. The Enigma of Extremism”. En LOPERFIDO, Giacomo (ed.) Extremism, Society, and the State. Oxford: Berghahn Books. Pp.1-16

LOPERFIDO, Giacomo (2021). “The Empire and the Barbarians: Cosmological Laceration and the Social Establishment of Extremism”. En LOPERFIDO, Giacomo (ed.) Extremism, Society, and the State. Oxford: Berghahn Books. Pp.87-108

LUNDSTEEN, Martin (2021). “Local practices of bordering in a small Catalan town: Between urban and national belonging”. In N. Ribas-Mateos and T. Dunn (Eds.), Handbook on Human Security, Borders and Migration, pp. 269-284. Camberley, Surrey: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978-1-83910-889-1 DOI:

LUNDSTEEN, Martin (2021). “Neighbour or stranger? Bordering practices in a small Catalan town”, in Ribas-Mateos, N. & T. Dunn, Handbook on Human Security, Borders and Migration. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

MATOS, Patricia (2021). “O Desempregado: economia moral da austeridade, senso comum e sacrifício em Portugal (2011-2014) – (The Unemployed: moral economy of austerity, common sense and sacrifice in Portugal (2011-2014)”. In Os Sujeitos do Neoliberalismo (The Subjects of Neoliberalism), editado por Fernando Ampudia de Haro; José Nuno Matos. Lisboa, Portugal: Outro Modo & Tigre de Papel.

NAROTZKY, S. (2021) “Agricultural day Labor in Spain: The logics of (pandemic) capitalism.”  In Fassin, D., Fourcade, M. (eds.), Pandemic Exposures: Economy and Society in the Time of Coronavirus. Chicago: HAU/ The University of Chicago Press

REIGADA, Alicia (2021). “Collective action, experience and identity in global agri-food enclaves: the case of Andalusia (Spain)”. In E. Martin-Diaz and B. Roca (eds.), Migrant organising: bricolage, innovation and trade unionism. Brill. [SPI 2018: ICEE 526.000, posición 6 de 96 en el Ranking General de editoriales extranjeras; ICEE 8, posición 11 de 18 en el Ranking de Antropología de editoriales extranjeras].

HOMS, Patricia, Flores-Pons, G., Martín Mayor, A. and Sastre, A. (2020) “El cooperativisme agroecològic a Catalunya: canvi d’escala, sostenibilitat i reptes”. In Gutiérrez, E. y Custodio, C. (eds.) Béns comuns i necessitats col.lectives. La Cruïlla de camins entre velles crisis i noves emergències. Barcelona: Observatori DESC i ODG, pp. 272-294

HOMS, Patricia (2020). “Resilient austerity, social values and value in social economy and entrepreneurship in Catalonia”, in S. Narotzky (ed.), Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe. London: Pluto Press.

MATOS, Patrícia (2020). “Austerity Welfare and the Moral Significance of Needs in Portugal”. In Narotzky, S. (ed.) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, pp. 113-130. London: Pluto Press.

SARKIS, Diana y MATOS, Patricia (2020). “The Body Politics of Austerity in Portugal and Spain: women, agency and dispossession”. In Narotzky, S. (ed.) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, pp. 192-213. London: Pluto Press, 192-213.

MÜLLER, Juliane (2020) “Labelling, Packaging, Scanning: Commodity Paths and Diversions of Mobile Phones in the Andes.” In Schorsch, Ph., Saxer, M. and Elders, M. (eds.) Exploring Materiality and Connectivity in Anthropology and Beyond. London: UCL Press, pp.116-133

NAROTZKY, S. (2020) “Introduction: Grassroots Economics in Europe”. In Narotzky, S. (ed.) Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press

NAROTZKY, Susana y PUSCEDDU, Antonio Maria (2020). “The challenge of social reproduction in times of crisis: Tensions between generations in Southern Europe”, in Narotzky S. (ed.), Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press.

PUSCEDDU, Antonio Maria (2020). “Work, wage and subsidy: Making a living between regulation and informalization”, in Narotzky S. (ed.), Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe, London: Pluto Press.

RAMÍREZ MELGAREJO, Antonio J. (2020). De virus, crisis y sociedades organizadas. Un fantasma recorre el mundo. Las ciencias sociales ante la pandemia. (Argentina): Edunse, 2020. ISBN 978-987-4456-19-9

SARKIS FERNÁNDEZ, Diana y MATOS, P. (2020). “The Body Politics of Austerity: women, agency and work in Portugal and Spain”, in S. Narotzky (ed.), Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe. New York: Pluto Press.

SARKIS FERNÁNDEZ, Diana y AMARIANAKIS, Stamatis (2020). “Austerity from below: Class, temporality and scale in grassroots analysis of Crisis”, in S. Narotzky (ed.), Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe. London: Pluto Press.

VETTA, Theodora (2020). “Merecimiento y judicialización del impago hipotecario en Grecia”, in Aramburu, M. & S. Bofill (eds.), Sentidos de injusticia, sentidos de crisis: tensiones conceptuales y aproximaciones Etnográficas. Barcelona: Editorial Universitat de Barcelona.

VETTA, Theodora (2020). “Bondage unemployment and intra-class tensions in Greek energy restructuring”, in S. Narotzky (ed.), Grassroots Economies: Living with Austerity in Southern Europe.  London: Pluto Press.

Martín-Mayor, A.; Flores-Pons, G.; HOMS, Patricia y Espelt, R. (2019). “Eines per a repensar el cooperativisme agroecològic”, Espelt, R. & N. Vega (eds.), Cooperativisme i agroecologia a la ciutat de Barcelona. Barcelona: Editorial Comanegra.

SARKIS FERNÁNDEZ, Diana; HOMS, Patricia; ALQUÉZAR, Raquel; y MORELLÓ, Núria (HOSARALMO Collective) (2019). “Cooperative practices: survival strategies, “alternative” movements or capitalism reembedding?”, in P. Simonic (ed.), Anthropological Perspectives of solidarity and Reciprocity. Lubijana: University of Lubijana Press.

FRANQUESA, Jaume (2019). “Resources: Nature, value and time”. A research agenda for economic anthropology. Edited by J. Carrier. Pp. 74-89. Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar. DOI: 10.4337/9781788116107.00010

GASCÓN, Jordi (2019). “Conflictos rurales y turismo”. En Cañada, E. & Murray, I. (eds.) Turistificación global. Barcelona: Icaria.

HOMS, Patricia y NAROTZKY, Susana (2019). “Within and beyond the market system. A case of organic food cooperatives”, in Siniscalchi, V. & K. Harper (eds.), Catalonia. Food Values in Europe: Economies, Ideologies, and Power in Practice. London: Bloomsbury.

HOMS, Patricia, Sarkis, D., ALQUÉZAR, R. y MORELLÓ, N. (2019) “Cooperative practices: survival strategies, “alternative” movements or capitalism re-embedding?”, in P. Simonic (ed.) Reciprocity in Times of Crisis. University of Lubijana Press, Lubijana

MARTÍNEZ, Bibiana (2019). “The Moral Price of Milk: Food Values and the Intersection of Moralities and Economies in Dairy Family Farms in Galicia”, in Harper, K. & V. Siniscalchi (eds.), Food Values in Europe: Economies, Ideologies, and Power in Practice. Londres: Bloomsbury.

MORELLÓ, Núria (2019). “Bruixeria, bruixes i relacions socials patriarcals al pla de Lleida”, in Castell, P. (ed.), ‘Se’n parlave i n’hi havie’. Bruixeria al Pirineu i a les terres de Ponent. Lleida: XMTLLA (Xarxa de Museus de les Terres de Lleida i Aran).

MÜLLER, Juliane (2019). “Introduction. (In)Formality, Materiality, and Gender in Latin American Cities.” In Dürr, Eveline and Juliane Müller (eds.) The Popular Economy in Urban Latin America: Informality, Materiality, and Gender in Commerce. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 1-18.

MÜLLER, Juliane (2019) “Formalizing through Marketizing: Interfaces of Technology, Knowledge, and Power in Popular Commerce in La Paz, Bolivia.” In Dürr, Eveline and Juliane Müller (eds.) The Popular Economy in Urban Latin America: Informality, Materiality, and Gender in Commerce. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, pp.109-129

NAROTZKY, S. (2019) “Populism’s claims: The struggle between privilege and equality” in Bruce Kapferer & Dimitrios Theodossopoulos (eds.) Democracy’s paradox: Populism and its Contemporary Crisis, Oxford: Berghahn, pp.97-121

Besnier, N. & NAROTZKY, S. (2019) “Epilogue. Indeterminacy: Between Worth and Worthlessness” in Catherine Alexander and Andrew Sanchez (eds.) Waste, Value, and the Imagination. Oxford: Berghahn, pp.181-193

RAMÍREZ MELGAREJO, Antonio J. (2019). Fronteras. Asilo y refugio en tiempos de guerra contra la inmigración. pp. 101 – 122.
Catarata, 2019. ISBN 978-84-9097-713-2

ABOITIZ, Uzuri (2018). “Soberanía Feminista: Una aproximación a la soberanía desde la vida cotidiana”, in Conjugando la soberanía. Donostia: Fundación Iratzar.

ALQUÉZAR, Raquel (2018). “De principios y valores. Reflexiones para el análisis de las prácticas de economía social y solidaria”, in Santamaría, E., Yufra, L. & J. de la Haba (eds.), Investigando Economías Solidarias (acercamientos teórico-metodológicos). Barcelona: ERAPI-ICA.

LOPERFIDO, Giacomo (2018) “‘Neither left nor right’: Crisis, wane of politics, and the struggles for sovereignty”. En Don Kalb, Mao Mollona (eds), Worldwide Mobilisations. Class Struggles and Urban Commoning. NY/Oxford: Berghahn Book, pp.118-140

LUNDSTEEN, Martin (2018). “’El moro’ – Discovering the hidden coloniality of the contemporary Spanish/Catalan society and its colonial subjects”, in Jensen, L., J. S. Krabbe, C. Groess-Green & Z. L. Pecic (eds.), Postcolonial Europe: Comparative Reflections after the Empires, New York: Rowman & Littlefield.

LUNDSTEEN, Martin y Sabaté, I. (2018). “The social articulation of the crisis and political mobilisation in Spain. Some reflections on the shortcomings of the new social movements”, in O. Fedyuk & P. Stewart (eds.), Inclusion and exclusion in Europe: migration, work and employment perspectives, London: Rowman & Littlefield.

MATOS, Patricia (2018), “Precarity, gender capital, and structures of (dis) empowerment in the neoliberal service economy” in Megha Amrith and Nina Sahraoui (eds), Gender, Work and Migration: Agency in Gendered Labour Settings, pp. 158-174. London: Routledge

PUSCEDDU, Antonio Maria (2018). “Dealing with boundaries: Muslim pilgrimages and political economy on the southern Albanian frontier”, in Flaskerud, I. & R. Natvig (eds.), Muslim Pilgrimage in Europe. London: Routledge.

REIGADA, Alicia (2018). “Economic rationale and human experience: A look at global agrifood supply chains from the perspective of social anthropology”. In Manos Spyridakis (Eds.) Market versus Society. Human Values and Economic Norms in changing times. London: Palgrave Macmillan, 227-246. [Ranking SPI 2018: 12 de 96 Ranking General de Editoriales Extranjeras: ICEE 302.000] DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-74189-5_13

AMARIANAKIS, Stamatis (2017). “Grassroots meanings and understandings of Crisis in Chalkida, Greece”, in Vicente, T., García, M.J. & A. Vizcaíno (eds.), Antropologías en Transformación: Sentidos, Compromisos y Utopias. Valencia: Universidad de Valencia.

MORELLÓ, Núria (2017). “La amenaza de la minería en el Pacífico nariñense y el Katsa Su. El pueblo awá y sus resistencias”, in González, L. & A. Duran (eds.), ¿Paz para quién? Defensa del territorio y minería en Colombia. Estudios de caso desde comunidades indígenas, campesinas y afrodescendientes. Barcelona: Editorial Descontrol.

NAROTZKY, S. (2017) “Librando la batalla por la ideología: contra la hegemonía de la forma” in Palenzuela, P. (ed) Antropología y compromiso. Barcelona: Icaria.

NAROTZKY, Susana (2017) “Between Inequality and Injustice: Dignity as a Motive for Mobilization During the Crisis” in Knight D.M. & Ch. Stewart (eds.), Ethnographies of Austerity: Temporality, Crisis and Affect in Southern Europe, London: Routledge.

NAROTZKY, S. (2017) “Making Difference: Concluding Comments on Work and Livelihoods” in Narotzky, S. and Goddard, V. (Eds.) Work and Livelihoods – History, Ethnography and Models in Times of Crisis, New York: Routledge, pp.205-15

REIGADA, Alicia (2017). “Politics, economic forces, class relations and trade unions in the strawberry fields: the experience of globalized agriculture in Andalusia (Spain)”. In E.Paul Durrenberger (Eds.) Uncertain Times: Anthropological Approaches to Labor in a Neoliberal World. Boulder: University Press of Colorado and Utah State University Press, 286-320. [Clarivate Analytics].

VETTA, Theodora (2017). “The Habits of the Heart: Grassroots Revitalization and State Transformations in Serbia”, in Lashaw, A., Sampson S. & C. Vannier (eds.), Cultures of Doing Good: Anthropologists and NGOs. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.


MÜLLER, Juliane (2016) Relaciones comerciales Bolivia-China: El rol de las economías populares y del empresariado privado. In Miranda, Mauricio und Peláez, José Tomás (eds.) Las relaciones económicas entre América Latina y Asia. Hacia la construcción de una nueva inserción internacional. Cali: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana/Centro de Pensamiento sobre Asia y Pacífico, pp. 291-313.

NAROTZKY, S. (2016) “Spain is the Problem, Europe the Solution: Economic Models, Labor Organization and the Hope for a Better Future” in Gledhill, J. (Ed.) World Anthropologies in Practice, London: Bloomsbury, pp. 19-39

REIGADA, Alicia (2016). “Agrifood system, labour migrations, and territory: On the social (un)sustainability of intensive agriculture in Andalusia (Spain)”. In Coorado, A., Perrota, D., de Castro, C. (Eds.) Migration and Agriculture: Mobility and Change in the Mediterranean Area. London: Routledge, pp. 95–110. [Ranking SPI 2014. En el Ranking General de Editoriales Extranjeras posición 3 de 258. ICEE: 45.950] DOI: 10.1111/soru.12176

SARKIS FERNÁNDEZ, Diana (2016). “Epilogo”, in Sarkis, T. (ed.), La República Árabe Siria: de acero, trigo y humanidad. Buenos Aires: Editorial Rodina.



NAROTZKY, S. and Goddard, V. (2015) “Industry and Work in Contemporary Capitalism: Models, markets and crisis in the global system” in Goddard, V. and Narotzky, S. (Eds.) Industry and Work in Contemporary Capitalism: Global Models, Local Lives? London: Routledge, pp. 1-16

NAROTZKY, S. (2015) “The organic intellectual and the production of class in Spain”, in James G. Carrier and Don Kalb (Eds.) Anthropologies of Class. Power, Practice and Inequality, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 125-164

NAROTZKY, S. (2015) “The Payoff of Love and the Traffic of Favours: Reciprocity, Social Capital, and the Blurring of Value Realms in Flexible Capitalism” in Kjaerulff, Jens (Ed.) Flexible Capitalism. Exchange and Ambiguity at Work, Oxford: Berghahn Books, pp.268-310.

PUSCEDDU, Antonio Maria (2015) “Come una casa che non abita nessuno. Esperienze del paesaggio rurale nella Sardegna meridionale”, in Gabriella Da Re (ed.), Per un’antropologia dei saperi. Pratiche e dialoghi con la natura in Sardegna. Firenze: Olschki, pp. 245-279.

PUSCEDDU, Antonio Maria (2015) “Pellegrinaggi di frontiera. Pratiche interconfessionali, mobilità e confini etnici nell’Albania meridionale”, in Dionigi Albera, Melissa Blanchard (eds.), Pellegrini del Nuovo Millennio: Aspetti Economici e Politici delle Mobilità Religiose. Messina: Mesogea, pp.87-112.



HOLMES, Seth M., Castaneda H. (2014). “Ethnographic Methods in Migration and Health Research.” In Schenker M, Castaneda X., eds. Migration and Health Research Methodologies. University of California Press.



MORELLÓ, Núria y SARKIS FERNÁNDEZ, Diana (2012). “¿Lazos de ayuda o patronazgo? La sostenibilidad de las nuevas economías agrícolas en la globalización: una comparación entre Catalunya y Siria” in Narotzky, S. (ed.), Economías solidarias, economías sostenibles y economías cotidianas. Barcelona: Icaria.

capítols de llibres per autoria

Llista de capítols de llibres publicats per membres del GER, organitzats per autora/autor en ordre alfabètic per cognom.

ABOITIZ, Uzuri (2018). “Soberanía Feminista: Una aproximación a la soberanía desde la vida cotidiana”, in Conjugando la soberanía. Donostia: Fundación Iratzar.


ALQUÉZAR, Raquel (2018). “De principios y valores. Reflexiones para el análisis de las prácticas de economía social y solidaria”, in Santamaría, E., Yufra, L. & J. de la Haba (eds.), Investigando Economías Solidarias (acercamientos teórico-metodológicos). Barcelona: ERAPI-ICA.


AMARIANAKIS, Stamatis (2017). “Grassroots meanings and understandings of Crisis in Chalkida, Greece”, in Vicente, T., García, M.J. & A. Vizcaíno (eds.), Antropologías en Transformación: Sentidos, Compromisos y Utopias. Valencia: Universidad de Valencia.


ESCRIBANO, Paula (2022). “Intentional Communities”. In: Robert Brinkmann (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


FRANQUESA, Jaume (2022). Unruly workers and laborless landscapes: The role of marginal places and redundant people in energy transitions. The Routledge handbook of the anthropology of labor. Edited by S. Kasmir and L. Gill. Pp. 396-408: London: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003158448-38

FRANQUESA, Jaume (2022). Natural resources: The twice-hidden abode of economic processes. A handbook of economic anthropology. 3rd edition. Edited by J. Carrier. Pp. 72-84: Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar. DOI: 10.4337/9781839108921.00014

FRANQUESA, Jaume (2019). Resources: Nature, value and time. A research agenda for economic anthropology. Edited by J. Carrier. Pp. 74-89. Cheltenham (UK): Edward Elgar. DOI: 10.4337/9781788116107.00010


GASCÓN, Jordi (2019). “Conflictos rurales y turismo”. En Cañada, E. & Murray, I. (eds.) Turistificación global. Barcelona: Icaria.

capítols de llibres

Llistat en ordre alfabètic


Llista de capítols de llibres recents publicats per membres, col·laboradores i col·laboradors del
GER – Grup d’Estudis de Reciprocitat, per ordre alfabètic.


ABOITIZ, Uzuri (2018). “Soberanía Feminista: Una aproximación a la soberanía desde la vida cotidiana”, in Conjugando la soberanía. Donostia: Fundación Iratzar.

ALQUÉZAR, Raquel (2018). “De principios y valores. Reflexiones para el análisis de las prácticas de economía social y solidaria”, in Santamaría, E., Yufra, L. & J. de la Haba (eds.), Investigando Economías Solidarias (acercamientos teórico-metodológicos). Barcelona: ERAPI-ICA.

AMARIANAKIS, Stamatis (2017). “Grassroots meanings and understandings of Crisis in Chalkida, Greece”, in Vicente, T., García, M.J. & A. Vizcaíno (eds.), Antropologías en Transformación: Sentidos, Compromisos y Utopias. Valencia: Universidad de Valencia.

ESCRIBANO, Paula (2022). “Intentional Communities”. In: Robert Brinkmann (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

FRANQUESA, Jaume (2022). Unruly workers and laborless landscapes: The role of marginal places and redundant people in energy transitions. The Routledge handbook of the anthropology of labor. Edited by S. Kasmir and L. Gill. Pp. 396-408: London: Routledge. DOI: 10.4324/9781003158448-38

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