
V Conference on the history of cartography in Barcelona

The Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona (AHCB) and the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) organize for the fifth time the Conference on the history of cartography in Barcelona, ​​​​which will be held at the AHCB from November 3 to 4 of 2022.

These Conferences are intended to be a meeting space for the analysis and dissemination of Barcelona’s cartographic heritage, favoring the study of documents and their enhancement through the most modern technologies.

For two days, a group of specialists will offer new contributions on the cartographic representations of the city, bearing in mind the results already achieved in previous stages. The program is organized into six blocks, dealing with the great leap forward in Barcelona cartography during the war cycle of the years 1690-1714; of the maps related to the fixation and recognition of the complex and changing municipal limits, from the Old Regime to the present; of the manipulation of urban cartography for commercial purposes or with a purely artistic will; of the nineteenth-century attempts to widen Barcelona and the problems of putting it into practice following Cerdà’s plan; of the contribution of aerial photography to the knowledge of space and urban cartography, and two round tables: one on cartography and art and another on 3D reconstructions from old maps.

You can check the program here. There will also be a link to follow the sessions in streaming on the AHCB page.

Place: Sala d’Actes de l’Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona

Dates: November 3-4, 2022