Cartography, delimitation and geopolitics in Spain (17th-19th centuries)
Research team:
Guerrero Lladós, Montserrat | Montaner García, M. Carme | Muro Morales, José Ignacio | Pujades i Bataller, Ramon JosepWork team:
Capdevila Subirana, Joan | Gisbert Traveria, Meritxell | Martín i Díaz, Jordi | Nobajas i Ganau, Alexandre | Polo Martín, Bárbara | Rosselló i Verger, Vicenç M.Description:
The general objectives of the research project are aimed at generating knowledge around the cartographic expression referring to the territorial delimitation of Spain, at its various levels of administration: regional, provincial, regional and municipal. The chronological period is broad, although the emphasis is placed on the century of the great changes in the political map of the country: the 19th century.
Project managed by the Universitat de Lleida: