The GEHC participates in the Fourth Conference of the history of cartography of Barcelona Dates: 17 – 18 october 2018 Place: Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona. Carrer de Santa Llúcia, 1 08002 Barcelona Organized by Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona and Institut Catogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya Collaborated by […]
In the last resolution of funds for projects of research by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, the GEHC has obtained funds to develop, between 2018 and 2021, the project CSO2017-87080-P Ciudad y territorio en la cartografía española: una perspectiva histórica. This will be the eighth project financed from the beginning of the group in 1997. Further information in our […]
International Conference on the History of Cartography (ICHC) 2019 is organized and hosted by the Special Collections department of the University of Amsterdam and the Explokart Research Group, in close collaboration with Imago Mundi Ltd and with several Dutch academic institutions, museums and libraries. The conference is entitled Old Maps, New Perspectives. Studying the History of Cartography […]
The next June, 20th and 21st the colloquium TERRITOIRES, RÉGIONS, ROYAUMES : Le développement d’une cartographie locale et régionale dans l’Occident latin et le monde arabe (Xe-XVe siècle) will take place in Tours (Francia). It is organised by the Centre d’Études Supérieures de la Renaissance (CERS) and directed by Nathalie Bouloux (CESR), Jean-Charles Ducène (EPHE) and […]
The web Atlas of Barcelona is an interesting example of how take a catalogue thought to be in only in paper to digital world. Specifically, the work is the collection of old cartographic engravings of the city of Barcelona, made and edited by Ramon Soley and distributed by Editorial Mediterrània in two volumes in 1998: Soley, Ramon (1998): […]
Story Maps are a new web resource that combines maps with different information, allowing compound a classic narration, chronologically ordered, with cartographic suppor. In this case, we have used it for a narrative genre with a high level of geographic content: diaries, books or travel chronicle. Two members of the GEHC, Luis Urteaga and Joan Capdevila, with […]
The next Thursday 24, it will take place the talk De l’expérimentation visuelle à la réalisation graphique : les archives du laboratoire de cartographie de Jacques Bertin, 1954-2000, that the curators Nadine Gastaldi y Emmanuelle Giry (Archives nationales) and the researcher Anne-Lyse Renon (LIAS – IMM) (EHESS/CNRS UMR 8178) will present. It will be at 6:00 P.M […]
From May, 16 to September, 3 of 2018 it will take place, in the Musée national des arts asiatiques – Guimet (París), the exhibition Le monde vu d’Asie. It is an exhibition of cartography that relates the visitaron of the world and its history from the Asiatic point of view. Despite the different traditions, there are common […]
Enrique d’Almonte (1858 – 1917) was a very famous cartographer and civil geographer. He made some of the best maps of Spanish colonies thanks to its ability for mesure and cartographic draw in bad situations and with few material, and its qualities as explorer, someone interested in aspects like linguistic, geology, botanic, ectnography, etc.His work […]
Bárbara Polo Martín, GEHC member, has just presented her new book Juan Ponce de León through the sources in the journey about editorial novelties that took place at the Geography and History Faculty of Barcelona University. In this book about the famous explorer of 16th century, first governor of Puerto Rico and discoverer of Florida, the author deepens […]