
ICGC 2024 Lyon

Imago Mundi and the University of Lyon will be glad to welcome you back to France during the 30th International Conference on the History of Cartography [ICHC]. The idea of organizing the conference in Lyon with the theme “Confluences – Interdisciplinarity and New Challenges in the History of Cartography” is inspired by the very location of the […]

EUGEO 9th Congress Barcelona 2023

4 – 7 September EUGEO 9th Congress Barcelona 2023 orgnized by the Societat Catalana de Geografia: One of the sessions, coordinated by the GEHC is devoted to the history of cartography and will take place on September 7th from 9 to 12:30 at the Facultat de Geografia i Història, Universitat de Barcelona.

V Conference on the history of cartography in Barcelona

The Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona (AHCB) and the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya (ICGC) organize for the fifth time the Conference on the history of cartography in Barcelona, ​​​​which will be held at the AHCB from November 3 to 4 of 2022. These Conferences are intended to be a meeting space […]

Call for papers “Coordinating Cartographic Collections”

On 30 September 2021 the ICA Commission is organizing the online workshop Coordinating Cartographic Collections, in conjunction with the 12th Virginia Garrett Lectures on the History of Cartography (University of Texas at Arlington) and the Fall Meeting of the Texas Map Society. The ICA Workshop, due to the varying international Covid19 situation and travel restrictions, […]

Presentation of the publication “Vistes panoràmiques, cartes militars i plànols urbanístics a Barcelona del segle XVI al XIX”

The Arxiu Històric de la Ciutat de Barcelona and the Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya are pleased to invite you to the presentation of the publication Vistes panoràmiques, cartes militars i plànols urbanístics a Barcelona del segle XVI al XIX, coordinated by Ramon Grau and Carme Montaner. The presentation will be made by Ramon Grau, […]

Thesis explained: Cartography and transformation of the territory in Catalonia between the Old Regime and the revolution

  Meritxell Gisbert Traveria, member of the GEHC, tells his thesis, entitled Cartografia i transformació del territori a Catalunya entre l’Antic Règim i la Revolució liberal (ss. XVIII-XIX): el paper de la família Soler, in this talk from the past 28 January 2021, which was organised by the Societat Catalana de Geografia. The thesis was read on June […]

Chart of the Week: new Medea-Chart series of outreach articles

The Medea-chart research project announces the publication of a series of weekly outreach articles entitled Chart of the Week. Every Thursday, a new chart, atlas or relevant actor on the History of Nautical Cartography, from Middle Ages to Early Modern times, will be featured at the Medea-Chart website and social media.  The Medea-chart research project team invites you […]

Call for papers: TOSCA Conference on women and maps

The Oxford Seminars in Cartography (TOSCA) invites proposals for papers for its 2021 online conference on women and maps. Mapping, and closely linked professions such as surveying, exploration, navigation, hydrography, and printing, have conventionally been associated with men: as makers, patrons, users, and interpreters.  Sometimes those assumptions reflect reality, but sometimes they do not.  This […]

Call for papers: 34th International Geographical Congress

The next edition of the International Congress of Geography, the 34th International Geographical Congress, will be held in Istanbul, from August 16 to 20, 2021, with the main theme “Geography: Bridging the Continents”. The main topics for this edition are: Globalization vs localization Climate change Migrations and conflicts Earth and disasters Studies on Eurasia and the Middle East […]

Seminar “Cartes et Révolution: La cartographie de la Grèce insurgée”

The seminar Représentation de l’espace: Moyen Âge – Époque moderne coordinated by George Tolias, of the Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE), this year will be dedicated to the cartography of insurgent Greece and the creation of the modern Greek state, of which the bicentennial (1821-2021) will be celebrated. The seminar will be held by […]