Burgueño Rivero, Jesús
- Departament de Geografia, Història i Hª de l'Art
- http://www.geosoc.udl.cat/
- Universitat de Lleida
- http://www.geosoc.udl.cat/ca/personal/pdi/burgue/
- Plaça Victor Siurana, 1 25003 Lleida
- jesus.burgue@udl.cat
Jesús Burgueño Rivero (Barcelona, 1963). Doctor in Geography by the University of Barcelona (1994). Professor at the University of Lleida since 1988 and currently Professor of Regional Geographic Analysis. His doctoral thesis derives, among others, the book Geografía política de la España constitucional. La división provincial (Centro de Estudios Constitucionales, Madrid, 1996). He has published mainly on topics related to the territorial division of Catalonia and Spain, place names and the history of cartography. He directed the research on cartography of the province of Lleida from which the Atles de les viles, ciutats i territoris de Lleida, and was curator of the exhibition «[Carto]grafia: testimoni visual de les terres de Lleida a través del temps (segles XIII-XIX)» (Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs, 2009). He has been part of study commissions related to issues of territorial division and has made various contributions in this field. He coordinated the book (and in particular its cartography) La nova geografia de la Catalunya postcovid (Societat Catalana de Geografia, 2001), prize Crítica Serra d’Or 2022. He is currently the principal investigator of the research project “Cartography, delimitation and geopolitics in Spain (17th-19th centuries)”. He is preparing the edition of a book on the diocesan cartography of Spain.