
Exhibition and activities linking cartography and voyages in Chambéry (Francia

The municipal library network of Chambéry, capital of the French department of Savoya, is making an interesting arrange of activities that link cartography and voyages. 

The main idea is the exposición «Agrandir le monde. Cartes géographiques & livres de voyages (XVe-XVIIIe siècle)», that can be visited until the 14 of January. The exhibition treats, between Middle Ages and XVIII century, about the way in what Europe has built the World map through the history of explorations and scientific progress. It talks about studious people that enhanced  the measurement work, soldiers and kings that wanted to conquer new territories, compromised explorers with amplifying the known world by Europe, opening the way to new lands.

At the same time, there is talks, screening, spectacles…You can see it at exhibition web and in the digital programme.